Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Write a Concluding Sentence for Dummies
How to Write a Concluding Sentence for Dummies Using How to Write a Concluding Sentence The conclusion is the conclusion of the paragraph. Bear in mind, it shouldn't incorporate any information that wasn't discussed in the paragraph. Nothing can be easier than to compose the last paragraph with our on-line generator! You've probably already written an introduction paragraph that you are especially fond of. The Fight Against How to Write a Concluding Sentence Superior sentence starters are particular to an intended intent. In other words, you wrap up the key points in 1 sentence. You're able to use a concluding sentence to state how you want to find things change later on. Also, remember that you don't add anything new in concluding sentences. You must write two distinct sentences. Concluding sentences repeat the most important idea of your paragraph in various words. The conclusion sentences should give the reader a feeling of completion or closure. New Step by Step Roadmap for How to Write a Concluding Sentence Don't forget, too, that you need to support your arguments with evidence from a simple source or scholarly text. If you compose an essay arguing an argument, you might have to to begin a thesis statement. The previous issue to observe is the way to compose a conclusion for an expository essay. Ideally, each man who reads your essay ought to be in a position to understand each question individually and understand how to organize your argument. The body paragraphs form the majority of your essay. To summarize, think of which sentence starter will make the absolute most sense in the essay. These words will provide you with the very first indicator necessary to correctly compose an organized essay. Distinct words and phrases can be utilized in various pieces of an essay. The History of How to Write a Concluding Sentence Refuted Each Informative Speech Conclusion is going to have a different focus based on the kind of information you present. Double check in case you have followed all the guidelines to the letter. A biography should stress factors that produce the person stick out from others. The Key to Successful How to Write a Concluding Sentence To synthesize effectively, you will need to reveal your readers how everything which you put in your research paper fits with each other to create a cohesive whole. Thus, you don't wish to introduce any new ideas, but instead recap everything throughout the remainder of your bit of writing. Instead, explain in what way the ideas connect. Your thoughts and concepts are somewhat more coherent once you use transition sentence starters. It simply suggests that you mentioned in your very first paragraph your immediate solution to the question and the way you plan to prove it or disprove it. Even an informative speech conclusion should have a most wanted reaction. Concluding statements should give the sensation of summarization of your whole body paragraphs. If you wish to stress a certain opinion is shared by many, utilize the subsequent words. The 30-Second Trick for How to Write a Concluding Sentence It is a rather important part or it needs to be an extremely significant part your writing as it greatly makes it possible to enhance the stream of your essays. Appropriate closure is not as important only whenever you're writing a cliff-hanger. Including a strong conclusion at the conclusion of the writing leaves a potent effect on the reader s. Content wise, developing a synopsis for a movie differs for a thesis. It is among the most significant components of any writing. Sentence Frames Sentence frames offer a chance for students to use key vocabulary whilst providing a structure that might be higher than that which they could produce independently. Once you comprehend the Step Up philosophy, you will find that it's a very doable writing method to utilize in your classroom. Quite simply it's the very end of the theme, the thread that started at the start of your speech. Because the conclusion is the previous portion of the talk, it is frequently the part the audience remembers best. The period conclusion denotes the end component of a bit of writing. A personal conclusion is particularly beneficial in the event the majority of the biography is around the individual's professional life and you wish to bring a personal touch. As with any other school requirement, it's challenging. Recruiting the assistance of a close friend will be able to help you ground your feelings and earn perspective. By way of example, students have to deal with the challenges of living alone and meeting new people from various cultures. The signal word posters can be called students read and talk about this issue available.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Research Proposal on Outsource Cafeteria
The cafeteria services (K-12) of the Plante and Moran company have been under debate for some good time. The outsourcing of the cafeteria or its internal upgrade depends on several issues. Some of these issues are so urgent and require quick and permanent solutions. They include: the control of health care costs; employee’s health that has been threatened by lack of exercise, smoking, stress, and obesity; and the lack of the company’s ability to meet its health care costs. All these factors put the company under serious search for solutions. Over the last few years, the cafeteria has undergone through numerous changes of both administrative and legislative concern in order to find long lasting solutions for the above issues. Most of the changes have been quite open to make the cafeteria services more flexible and attractive to employees. The recent legislative changes, however, have created a very big impact. The optional services include: the over-the-counter drugs which are permitted and excluded for tax; the permission of dependents, including students, to be entitled to take part in parents’ cafeteria plans with Dependent and Medical Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). The extended repayment period has also extended the time limit for incurring the medical and dependent expenses. The 2008 Heroes Assistance and Relief Tax Act give tax benefits to individuals in the military. This act allows for the amendment of the cafeteria laws to enable the workers have an active responsibility for at least 180 days. This report evaluates the above factors and gives a recommendation on the possible ways forward. Summary For proper control of the health care costs, the company needs to control the obesity threats associated with the fats and calories in the cafeteria’s menu and provide proper equipments for exercise. This can be achieved through: Creation of an onsite workout room for the employees Contracting a local gym for the development of an employer-sponsored program for the employees Analysis The data used in this research is purely secondary information. The information has been collected from various sources including the cafeteria plans of 2009 and the Decision Support (EPSI). In the analysis of this data, a menu of fully integrated support features, including costing, product line analysis, productivity, operational budgeting, and capital budgeting have been considered. A similar criterion was used all through in the analysis so as to limit error chances that could arise. Findings For the two possible options, the strengths and weaknesses were established and listed below using the costs and convenience as the measuring factors. The creation of an onsite workout room for the employees required that huge sums of money be put aside for the construction purposes. The equipping of this facility also required large sums of money. Both the construction and equipping of the Onsite Workout Room must be done at once implying that employees would be constrained to cater for the additional expenses which might not be possible. On the issue of convenience, the onsite workout room may not favour employees so mush. There are possible cases of employees not accessing it during non-working hours and weekends. It can also be quite tricky for family members to use the same facility. However, the onsite workout room encourages employees’ unity, uplifts their happiness and promotes their solidarity as workers. When a local gym is sought, an Offsite Workout Room results. In such a case, the company would not be constrained to cater for the construction costs. Also, there would be no need for equipping this facility as all the costs are incurred by the contracted firm. Members would only be required to give some annual subscriptions, which in real sense, is negligible compared to te amount required for the construction purposes. On the issue of convenience, the Offsite Workout room may favour the employees so much. There are high chances of this facility operating during both working hours and non-working hours including weekends. There is also possibility of the family members using the same facility. Finally, this arrangement may lead to employee’s happiness as they can move to the gym with the family members under no or limited restrictions. The access to the facility is also not restricted.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Nuns Priests Tale in the Canterbury Tales Essay
Chaucers The Nuns Priests Tale is at once a fable, a tale of courtly love, and a satire mocking fables and courtly love traditions. To this end, Chaucer makes use of several stylistic techniques involving both framing and content. The tale begins and ends with a poor widwe somdeel stape in age (line 1), but the majority of the content involves not the widow but the animals on her farm, in particular an arrogant rooster name Chauntecleer. The first mention of the main character does not come until the twenty-ninth line, after twenty-eight lines of minute description of the widow and the farm. The donation of large amounts of time to detail slows down the plot of the story; this plot is even further drawn out by the Nuns Priests†¦show more content†¦Chaucer effectively mocks the courtly love tradition by pointing out that the characteristics of courtly love can be injected into even the most commonplace of situations. Chauntecleer, while described in heroic language, is m erely a rooster out to survive, and mate. Chauntecleer is no more heroic than any other rooster on any other farm; language merely manipulates this particular rooster to inflate him to heroic heights. The narrative interjections only further Chaucers satire. The Nuns Priest interjects, in very lofty and dramatic tones, during central moments in plot advancement. The interruptions come in very traditional and noble language: O false mordrour, luring in thy den! O newe Scariot! Newe Geniloun! False dissimilour! O greek Sinoun, That broughtest Troye al outrely to sorwe! O Chauntecleer, accursed be that morwe That thou into the yeerd flaugh fro the bemes! (Lines 406 - 411) The high language of the digressions would make certain scenes, such as the one where the fox hides in the cabbages to await Chauntecleer, much more dramatic and suspenseful if not for their length and content. The noble language draws on and on oftentimes for fifty lines before returning to the plot, which only allows the reader time to remember that the drama taking place on the page is merely barnyard drama, and therefore no more dramatic than theShow MoreRelated Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Comparing The Pardoners Tale and The Nuns Priests Tale805 Words  | 4 PagesPardoners Tale and The Nuns Priests Tale  Irony is the general name given to literary techniques that involve surprising, interesting,or amusing contradictions. 1 Two stories that serve as excellent demonstrations of irony are The Pardoners Tale and The Nuns Priests Tale, both from Chaucers The Canterbury Tales. Although these two stories are very different, they both use irony to teach a lesson.       Of the stories, The Pardoners Tale displaysRead More Essay on Human Nature and The Canterbury Tales1572 Words  | 7 Pagesand The Canterbury Tales     When Geoffrey Chaucer undertook the writing of The Canterbury Tales, he had a long road ahead of him. He intended to tell two stories from each of thirty pilgrims on the way to Canterbury, and then two more from each pilgrim on the way back from Canterbury. Of these, he completed only twenty-four. However, in these tales, Chaucer depicts both the pilgrims and their stories with striking realism. In The Nuns Priests Tale, The Canons Yeomans Tale, The FriarsRead MoreThe Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer952 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, the life of the nobility compared to that of the poor proves to be a much harder life to live because of the many obligations and responsibilities. Chaucer ironically portrays this notion in The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, contrasting the easy life of the widow, who is poor, with Chanticleer, a rich rooster. The widow’s life is much easier because she does not have to worry about keeping up with the societal expectations of the rich. Whereas, Chanticleer, theRead More The Moral Implications of The Pardoner?s Tale and The Nun?s Priest?s T810 Words  | 4 Pageskind was rampart throughout the lands. Many people felt that there was a great need for moral improvement in society. In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales he clearly brings to light his thoughts and concerns of â€Å"ethical cleansing.†No tale more fully expresses this idea than that of â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale†and â€Å"The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.†â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale†suggests a profile of the Pardoner as a moral man, a man of God. The narrator is viewed as a wise, gentle, and truthful man who wants to shareRead MoreLiterature In The Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer750 Words  | 3 Pageswithin the text. One story written back then was The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, it’s about a group of people on a journey to Canterbury and along the way each character tells a story, each with its own moral. Although these tales were written back in the 14th Century, many of its morals still hold up to this day, specifically the â€Å"Pardoner’s Tale†, the â€Å"Nun’s Priest’s Tale†, and the â€Å"Manciples Tale†. The moral of the â€Å"Pardoner’s Tale†was that money and greed is the root of all evil andRead More The Hidden Meaning of The Nuns Priests Tale Essay3752 Words  | 16 PagesThe Hidden Meaning of The Nuns Priests Tale    It has been suggested that a Chaucer tale exploits the nature of its genre but also draws attention to the ideological biases and exclusions inherent in the genre2. In my opinion The Nuns Priests Tale is a wonderful example of Chaucer testing the bounds of his chosen genre - in this case the beast fable. What is a beast fable? Obviously a tale about animals, but one where animals are used as embodiments or caricatures of human virtuesRead MoreEssay on â€Å"The Nun’s Priest’s Tale†: An Analysis2247 Words  | 9 Pagesas to the character of the Nun’s Priest. Only in the prologue to his tale do we finally get a glimpse of who he might be, albeit rather obtusely. As Harry Bailey rather disparagingly remarks: â€Å"Telle us swich thyng as may oure hertes glade./Be blithe, though thou ryde upon a jade†(p.235, ll2811-2812). I say this cautiously because much criticism has surrounded the supposed character of the Nun’s Priest, his role in the tale, and his relationship to the Canterbury Tales as a whole. One example, inRead MoreThe Relationshipful Relationships In Chaucers Canterbury Tales1165 Words  | 5 Pagessaying â€Å"Opposites attract, and likes repel†have been around for a long time, but like other adages, it does not have a clear basis. In fact, the opposite of that statement is true with the support of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and works of modern psychology. In Chaucer’s tales, the duality of marriage is evident. The ones that end with a successful relationship are the result of the partners’ similar external physical traits or internal thoughts, and the vice versa. While many factors accountRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of The Nun1063 Words  | 5 Pages The Canterbury Tales is written by Geoffrey Chaucer and is written in middle English during 1387-1400 which was a turbulent time period in England. The Prioress is head of all the nuns and holds herself to high standards both morally and physically. The nun is a complex character although at first she seems simple to understand. I believe there are many layers to this character and Chaucer has highlighted a few, but there is much left to be said about this character and how she became the way sheRead More Analysis of The Canons Yeomans Tale Essay762 Words  | 4 PagesYeomans Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Canons Yeomans Tale: When the story of Saint Cecilia was finished and the company continued on their journey, they came across two men. One of them was clad all in black and had been traveling quickly on their horses; the narrator believes that he must be a canon (an alchemist). The Canons Yeoman said that they wished to join the company on their journey, for they had heard of their tales. The Host asked if the Canon could tell a tale, and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study for Diane Company- myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write about theCase Study for Diane Company. Answer: Introduction Diane runs a consultancy firm. Dianes Company has several employees as well as clients. They advise their clients for setting up corporate intranets and designing DBMS. They are also responsible for giving security related advises to their clients. Diane has taken up a project to design the DBMS of a company that is medium sized. Diane has allowed the participation of the client in the process of designing. The client opted for a less secured system as the cost of a highly secured system will be high. According to Diane, the system requires more security features as it contains sensitive information. This report analyzes the entire case study from the ethical point of view. It analyzes the entire situation the is presented in the Dianes Company case study by taking the help of Doing Ethics Technique or DET. This report answers eight main questions to evaluate the situation and determine whether it is ethical or not. This report also analyzes the Dianes Company case study from the perspective of ICT Professionals by taking the help of ACS Code of Ethics. This report also combines the analysis based on DET and ACS and gives overall recommendations regarding the situation. Analysis using DET DET or Doing Ethics Techniques is used for the purpose of analyzing ethical issues in various situations (Wachs 2017). This technique helps the people to think in an ethical manner. It does not ensure best solutions but it helps in providing an ethical solution. Eight questions can be answered to get an accurate result. The Dianes Company case study is analyzed by DET and by answering eight questions as follows: What is going on? The Dianes Company was founded three years ago. It deals in consulting business. Diane is involved in giving several types of corporate advices to the clients. There are several employees and clients of this company. Recently this company has taken up a DBMS project of a company that is medium sized (Bernstein and Jain 2014). The client is also participating in the process of design of the DBMS. Diane has found out that this database will store sensitive and valuable information and therefore it requires advanced and strong security features. The cost of incorporating strong security features will become much more than they had planned and this made the client opt for less secured system. According to Diane, if the system does not have strong security features then it will become easy for any attacker to hack into the system and therefore she gives suggestion to use a strong security system. She tried to explain about the various risks of a less secure system but the computing direct or, personnel director as well as the CEO was in favor of a less secure system (Shapiro, Stefkovich and Gutierrez 2014). Diane is in a state of dilemma whether she should build a highly or less secure system. What are the facts? Several facts have been observed in the case study. Dianes Company is a consultancy firm. The business is running for the past three years. The company provides advice regarding designing of DBMS and setting up corporate intranet. This company is also engaged in advising their clients regarding security. Recently Diane has taken up a project for designing DBMS of a medium sized firm. The client is also involved in the design process of the DBMS. The company needs to take decision regarding the degree and level of security that is to be incorporated in the system. Several options were presented to the client. The project cost would be higher than the planned cost by incorporating strong security features. The client wanted a less secured system because it would be less costly. The computing director, personnel director as well as the CEO was in favor of a system with less security features. Diane knew the security risks that can harm the system and wanted to build a highly secured system. What are the issues? There are several issues involved in this case. The case depicted a scenario where Diane can understand the importance of the security risks involved in the DBMS that they are designing for a medium sized company. The client as well as the computing director, personnel director and the CEO is in favor of a system with less security features. They are unable to understand the information security needs of the DBMS. This can lead to a conflict between Diane and directors of the company. This issue of conflict can disturb the harmony of the work environment leading to low productivity and low customer satisfaction (Shafer-Landau 2014). Another issue can be conflict between Diane and the client company. The client company might misunderstand Diane and think that she is suggesting in designing a high security system because of high price. The client company might not understand the real importance of the security needs (Ford and Richardson 2013). This situation can lead to low customer sa tisfaction. Another important issue that can occur is ethical in nature. Designing a less secured DBMS will harm the company later. It will not be ethical for a IT company to deliver a project with less secure features. Delivering a less secure project will not only affect the reputation of Dianes Company but also affect the users as their sensitive data will be lost due to any security threat and attack. Who is affected? The people who are affected in this case study are the CEO, computing director, personnel director, Diane and the client company. There can be conflict among the stakeholders due to the security decisions of the DBMS of the client company. This can lead to disharmony in the work environment leading to low productivity. Low productivity will dissatisfy the customers. On the other hand if the company decides to deliver a low secure DBMS then it will affect the entire reputation of the company (Durkheim 2013). If later on the systems vulnerabilities are exploited by the attackers to access the sensitive information then it will harm the users of the DBMS. The financial data and other valuable data will be lost. The users will be affected in this case. What are the ethical issues and implications? IT companies must look into the safety features of the projects that they deliver. They must deliver a safe project incorporating security features in the system. It will not be ethical for a company to deliver an unsafe project that can harm the client company in the future (Dewey 2016). If the company delivers an unsafe project and later on if any security breach occurs then it will harm the reputation of Dianes company and will also affect the users whose valuable data will be lost. What can be done about it? A mutual decision can be taken in order to resolve this issue. Diane can compromise with her decision. She can compromise with the security features of the DBMS for the client company. This solution is unethical. Diane can explain the importance of information security and convince the client to opt for a highly secure database system. What are the options? There are several options that can be taken in order to resolve the issues: Diane can agree to deliver the DBMS to the client company with low security features. Diane can try to explain the need for information security to the client and convince to deliver a highly secure system. Diana can give up the project because she does not want to deliver a less secure product to the client. Which option is best and why? The best option is to convince the client to take up a highly secured DBMS. The client should not compromise the security features because of the cost of the system. If Diane agrees to sell a less secure product to its client company then it will not be an ethical act. Loss of sensitive data will harm the users and it will also affect the reputation of Dianes Company. According to Deontology theory it is morally correct if Diane carries out her responsibility and delivers a safe system to its client (Conway and Gawronski 2013). Selling a safe product will produce happiness among the users, stakeholders as their data will be secured and it will give happiness to the shareholders of the company as it will create a good reputation of the company (Albee 2014). Therefore according to Utilitarianism theory, this decision is the best decision (Mulgan 2014). The contract theory can be divided into moral as well as legal contracts that promote ethical activity. In this case study, Diane has entered into a legal contract for developing DBMS for the client company. She knows that the database will contain sensitive data and loss of valuable data can harm the users of the system. Dianes moral values stop her from developing an insecure or less secure database system as this can cause an adverse effect in the future (Levitt and Moorhead 2013). Therefore the best option according to Contract theory is not to develop an insecure system or convince the client to choose a secure database system. Analysis using ACS Code of Ethics ACS code deals with professional conducts. Its main focus is to guide the behavior in a professional society. This code of conduct encourages adherence to certain society values: 1. Public Interest Primacy: According to this code, the interest of the public should be given primary importance. In this case study, Diane is morally correct because she looks into the interests and benefits of the client first (Craft 2013). She thinks about the negative effects of a less secure system and suggests the client to opt for a highly secured system. She discusses the negative effects of a less secure DBMS and aims to preserve privacy and confidentiality of the data of the stakeholders. Here Diane is acting in an ethical manner as she gives importance to the public interest. Enhancement of Quality of Life: According to this code, the ICT professionals must try to improve the quality of the life of all those people who will be affected by their projects and works (Crane and Matten 2016). In this case study, Diane understood the importance of information security. She understood the severe effects of selecting a less secure DBMS. She told her clients that the employees will be able to gain access to the client data and she also explained the chances of hacking that can occur. Here it is clear that Diane thought about improving the quality of life of the client by suggesting them to choose a highly secure system and hence it is ethically correct. Honesty: According to this code, the ICT professionals must be honest with their clients. They must not hide any important aspect of the services or products which they are delivering (Hart and Graham 2012). They must not give any false ides to the clients for selling products. This code of conduct also includes rules like not to accept bribery and differentiate professional and personal opinions and advices. In this case study, Diane is honest with her clients and tells the client company about the negative effects of adopting a less secure DBMS. Competence: According to this code, the ICT professionals must work in a competent as well as diligent manner for stakeholders. Their aim is to deliver products that will be able to meet the operational as well as financial needs of the clients. They are supposed to give the best advices to the clients. In this case study, Diane is involved in the designing and development of DBMS for a medium sized firm. She suggests the client company a product that will fulfill the maximum operational needs of the company (Gotterbarn 2013). She knew that the client company will store sensitive data in its system and this will require high security. She gave correct advice to the client company for preventing any loss of valuable data. Professional Development: According to this code, the ICT professionals must enhance their own professional development (McDermid 2015). They must also try to enhance the professional development of the staffs and employees working in the organization. The focus must be to be aware of advanced technologies, practices as well as standards related to work. The staffs of the organization must be motivated to upgrade their skills and knowledge. In this case study, Diane is fully aware of the recent technologies and the security threats and risks. She knows the importance of information security (Gray and Schein 2012). She knows the negative impact of a less secure database. She even tries to enhance the professional development of the CEO and directors by explaining them about the various risks associated with less secure database. Professionalism: According to this code, the ICT professionals must try to enhance the societys integrity. This code also aims at increasing the respect of the members towards each other in the society (Boughton 2013). The aim of this code is to resolve ethical dilemma so that appropriate actions can be taken. The company must take action against any member who does not follow ACS code of ethics or conduct (Wright and Mordini 2012). This code is responsible for promoting cooperation among different professionals. Public interest is given primary importance. In this case study, there is a dilemma regarding designing of a less secure database system (Miller et al. 2012). The client company does not want a highly secure database because of high cost factor. The ACS code of ethics does not support the idea of developing a less secure database system. Conclusion This report concluded that Diane should not agree to build a less secure database system for the client company. According to this report it is not ethically correct to build and design a less secure database system for the client. The ICT professionals must take care of the security features of the products and services that they deliver to the clients. This report analyzed the situation by using the Doing Ethics Techniques and suggested that the best option is to convince the client to opt for a highly secure database system. Loss of sensitive data will harm the users and it will also affect the reputation of Dianes Company. The best option as suggested by the DET is supported by the ethical theories. The client should not compromise the security features because of the cost of the system. This report also analyzed the situation by using ACS code of ethics. ACS code deals with professional conducts. In this case study, Diane was morally correct because she looked into the interests and benefits of the client first. She thought about the negative effects of a less secure system and suggested the client to opt for a highly secured system. She discussed the negative effects of a less secure DBMS and aimed to preserve privacy and confidentiality of the data of the stakeholders. The ACS code of ethics does not support the idea of developing a less secure database system. References Albee, E., 2014.A history of English utilitarianism(Vol. 1). Routledge. Bernstein, M. and Jain, V.K., 2014. Ethical decision-making. InNeurosurgical Ethics in Practice: Value-based Medicine(pp. 135-146). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 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ICT governance and what to do about the toothless tiger (s): Professional organisations and codes of ethics1.Professionalism in the Information and Communication Technology Industry,3, p.267. Gray, K. and Schein, C., 2012. Two minds vs. two philosophies: Mind perception defines morality and dissolves the debate between deontology and utilitarianism.Review of Philosophy and Psychology,3(3), pp.405-423. Hart, R. and Graham, R., 2012. The ICT Profession Body of Knowledge. Levitt, D.H. and Moorhead, H.J.H. eds., 2013.Values and ethics in counseling: Real-life ethical decision making. Routledge. McDermid, D., 2015.Ethics in ICT: an Australian perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU. Miller, T., Birch, M., Mauthner, M. and Jessop, J. eds., 2012.Ethics in qualitative research. Sage. Mulgan, T., 2014.Understanding utilitarianism. Routledge. Shafer-Landau, R., 2014. The fundamentals of ethics. Shapiro, J.P., Stefkovich, J.A. and Gutierrez, K.J., 2014. Ethical decision making.Handbook of ethical educational leadership, pp.210-228. Wachs, M. ed., 2017.Ethics in planning. Routledge. Wright, D. and Mordini, E., 2012. Privacy and ethical impact assessment.Privacy impact assessment, pp.397-418.
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