Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Midterm - Essay Example e denied same job opportunities as the whites; they were made to work for the whites without pay, in the World War they were made to serve in only segregated units. The slaves were used for agricultural purposes as labor especially in cotton and tobacco plantations. They were also used in shipyards, as domestic slaves and as labor on the docks. They were viewed as slaves so much to the point that their owners bought them. A slave could be bargained for, and the highest bidder would take him or her home. The owners were allowed to do anything to the slaves including killing them as the Black Americans were not viewed equals to the rest. They were given the hardest works, worked under the toughest conditions and were treated to gruesome punishments like being left to be mauled by dogs or starved to death. After a while, the art of the slave trade was abolished in America, and was now illegal and punishable by death. This shows the start of a new century which hopefully would bring a change to the African Americans. However, it still did not bring change. They were still treated with contempt and were discriminated especially in the fact that they could not share the same facilities with the whites like the train, the bus, the restaurants and more. They were allowed to vote in the national elections and poll taxes. In response to all this, in 10909, lobbyist groups and protest groups emerged to respond to the de jure racism. One of the groups was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Zastrow, 2010). This period is at times known as the Nadir of American Race Relations. This is so because this was the height of African American segregation. It was so intense that race riots were experienced, black lynching and anti blacks’ violence. It was so in tense that in 1946, Einstein defined African American racism as America’s worst disease. In 1981-1997, the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against African American
Monday, October 28, 2019
Hispanic and Latino Americans Essay Example for Free
Hispanic and Latino Americans Essay The United States of America has been called the â€Å"melting pot†of the world. It is a country that is open to diversity and welcomes culture, race and ethnicity of all sorts, for as long as it complies with its laws. United States become a nation rich in immigrants who found new home in a foreign land. Most of the big and key cities in the United States are culturally and racially diversified. This diversity is taught to be an asset of the society. If not understood well, this diversity may also lead to internal and external conflicts such as discrimination and stereotyping. Stereotyping can be as harmless as thinking that Chinese cooks the best orange chicken or Indians have the best chicken curry, but it can also be as destructive as stereotyping Muslims as potential terrorists or Mexicans as potential illegal aliens. Stereotypes come in different forms and it is also apparent in the news, media, television, songs and even literatures. Latino or Hispanic race, for example, has been a hot topic of racial stereotyping. A Latino man behind a cash register may often hear a customer asking â€Å"habla Ingles†. Failure to assimilate to American culture, including language, is one stereotype Latinos are facing. In the story â€Å"Rain of Gold†, written by Victor Villasenor, most of the characters spoke little or no English until they entered the United States. Another literary work, a poetry, written by Pat Mora entitled â€Å"Immigrants†contained lines that read â€Å"before the baby can even walk, speak to them in thick English, hallo, babe, hallo†. There may be some humor to the poem, but it stereotypes the Latino immigrants as having â€Å"thick English†accents. â€Å"Rain of Gold†, written by Victor Villasenor was about the three generations of two Mexican families whose hardship and adventures date back in the Mexican Revolution of 1910. The book chronicled the characters’ escape from Mexico and entry into the United States. It was entitled â€Å"Rain of Gold†because it is the English translation of the characters’ home town of â€Å"La Lluvia de Oro†. In the book, the characters spoke little or no English, which may still be apparent today in our society. However, from the book, we cannot generalize that Mexicans cannot assimilate the way of living or system of other culture. In the book, it was also written that the characters learned to use the survival techniques of Native Americans in order to survive the difficulties they were facing in their environment. The poem â€Å"Immigrants†by Pat Mora also wrote examples on how Mexican try to adapt the American culture by eating hot dogs and apple pie, by naming their children Bill and Daisy, or by buying their children football or blonde dolls with blue eyes. In the modern America, most stereotypes related to the Latino race are exaggerated in the movies or in the media. The movies would often depict Latinos as blue collared workers with little education, family with more than four children, or young Latino with literacy problem. Another stereotype that is attached to the Latino culture is the use of spiritual healing or magic. There are three literary works that took note of the Spiritual healing practice of the Latino culture. â€Å"Rain of Gold†by Victor Villasenor noted that during trying times, the character held on the belief of spirits and asked for their guidance and healing. â€Å"The Curing Woman†by Alejandro Morales was about the power of the traditional healers who use spiritual connection to heal physical ailments. It is about a Spanish woman named Marcelina who learned how to use â€Å"white magic†from her Spanish mother, Dona Marcelina Trujillo. â€Å"White magic†uses herbs, plants, minerals, chants and astrological formulas to cure diseases of the human body. â€Å"Curandera†, a poem written by Pat Mora describes the dependency of a Latino woman to the nature as means of survival and healing of the people. In the poem, the curandera (a woman who practices folk medicine), uses the elements found in the desert, plants, sunlight, and wind to heal other people to survive. Living in a modernized society and the availability of technology used as tools in medicine will create plenty of skepticism and mockery to spiritual healing as a form of cure. The use of spiritual healing will be rejected by most of American populations who grew up with vaccines, radiography, and antibiotics. It will be a challenge for any Latinos practicing this part of their culture to make someone else outside of their race to understand. Another Latino stereotype that affects most Latino men, is the machismo schema attached to Latino men. It is viewed that in Latino culture, men are the dominant gender, and women are submissive to their male counterparts. However, in â€Å"Rain of Gold†written by Victor Villasenor, the character of Dona Margarita, a wife and a mother, possessed strength that was even able to boldly reprimand the character of her husband. Dona Margarita’s strength and support was valued in the book as one of the reason of fulfilling the family’s dreams. She was able to express her anger and frustration on her husband, Don Victor, when he gambled and got drunk. Her family felt hope when she did not give-up her hope that her daughter, Sophia, was still alive. Although she wanted to give the leadership role to her husband Don Victor, the book made it apparent that she is the strength of her family. However, the story also depicted Dona Margarita as a housewife whose primary role is to raise her children and manage the household. Most Latino written works also depicted the common stereotype that Latinos mostly worked blue collar jobs. For example, in the â€Å"Rain of Gold†by Victor Villasenor, most men worked as miners, while some worked as soldiers. In the movies, most Latino females play characters such as nanny, cashier, waitress, or housekeeper. In conclusion, I believe that the Latino race does not only suffer from being stereotyped by people from another culture, but also from the literary works of Latino authors. Pat Mora, for example, used the â€Å"thick English†accent of Latinos to provide some humor to her poetry. In more than two literatures the â€Å"spiritual or magical healing†was also noted, providing a stronger connection between this practice and the Latino race. Personally, I believe that I am a victim of the movies and television programs who effectively instill cultural stereotypes in me. Fortunately, I was able to know numerous Latinos that proved that the stereotypes should not be used as a general depiction of their race. A research study survey noted that the stereotypical images of the Latinos in the media are not accurate and that most Latinos who participated in the survey were able to assimilate well into the US culture (Latino Professional Survey, 2006). The survey noted that 98% of the survey respondents were fluent in English and 80% were college graduate (Latino Professional Survey, 2006). This defies the common stereotyping that Latinos cannot speak English very well and mostly occupy blue collared jobs. Reference (2006). Todays Latino Professionals are Educated, Fully Bilingual and Assimilated: HACEs Findings Shatter Stereotypes; Results of 2006 Latino Professional Survey Help Understand Latinos. Newswire, R Kanellos, N. (1995). Hispanic American literature. A brief introduction and anthology. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
U.s Investment In Mexico :: essays research papers
U.S Investment in Mexico Economics 580 Dr. Leon Haitham Boukhadour Fall 96 Mexico has established itself as one of the biggest emerging markets in the world today. It has exhibited many of the signs of a high growth economy, offering several advantages to prospective investors. Some highlights of the Mexican economy include " single-digit inflation, a balanced public budget, real economic growth (presently at a rate of 12 percent), a deregulated economy and a favorable investment climate" (Risk Management/ June 94, P.32). Mexico also possesses a strategic geographic location as a gate way to Latin American markets. Mexico is among the fastest- growing export markets for the United States. In 1985, Mexico became the third largest market for total U.S. exports, behind Canada and Japan. In 1992, Mexico surpassed Japan as the second largest export market for U.S. manufactured goods. Mexico now accounts for $1 out of every $10 of total U.S. exports. After the passing of NAFTA, bilateral trade was quite balanced in 1994, with the U.S. registering a surplus of $1.3 billion, virtually unchanged from 1993. However, there was a sharp increase in trade opportunities, as both import and export growth exceeded 20 percent. One-fifth of the total trade that occurs between the United States and Mexico was created in 1994. One of the major sectors that holds a large promise for the U.S. manufacturers is that of the automobile industry. The Mexican market for auto parts is expected to grow by 24 percent from 1994 levels to $16.9 billion in the year 2000. It is also expected that NAFTA will help increase the U.S. export share of the Mexican market to around 70 percent by the year 2000. In the long run, Mexico's location could profit the U.S. industries that establish themselves there, through an expanded free trade area in Latin America, which could include Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and Chile. Such expansion could prove crucial to the U.S. industry, as a strong export orientation helped sustain industry growth. Exports increased from 18.5 percent of total output in 1989 to 27.2 percent in 1991. And the level of employment which could be attributed to exports increased from 116,500 in 1989 to 154,200 in 1991. Mexico also offers some intriguing possibilities in terms of production facilities for U.S. based firms. In 1994 alone Mexican car and truck production totaled 1.173 million units, up 8.6 percent from 1993. The Mexican government had along term plan in terms of automobile production in Mexico, and it is in a phase now that favors foreign investors and exportation out of the Mexican market. Check the figure bellow to see how the plan has progressed so far.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bluest Eye
A few decades ago, racial discrimination has been a great concern for many, as it existed in all aspects of the society. What we know of discrimination is that a certain race, color, or ethnicity views themselves superior to others, and the ones who often get discriminated often are the blacks, because of their history of slavery and abuse from the whites (Kuenz). This is the most common form of discrimination at that time. What some wouldn’t know is that discrimination is not limited to one race discriminating another.The other form of discrimination is racial self-loathing, or hating one’s own race because he views it to be inferior, ugly, poor, and the like. In Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, racial self-loathing in the black community is exposed and attacked through the development of Pecola Breedlove’s character. This development was clearly shown through her desires and aspirations of becoming white – of achieving the bluest eye, in order to a ttract attention and live a happy life. The idea of racial self-loathing was exposed and attacked when eventually her desires and aspirations were destroyed, driving her to insanity.Pecola Breedlove is a picture of a dreamer who seeks a better life at the start of the novel. All throughout the story, it was shown that she desires a few things, hoping that it could change her and her surroundings. One of these desires is to learn how she would be able to make people love her. Being born black, and experiencing a short stay with the MacTeers who are whites, she was able to understand how different she was. Her stay in the white household was very important because she was able to develop hatred for her race.She wanted attention, just like the attention being given to the white kids in the household. Pecola views that it was the overall features that would attract the attention of other people. She hated the color of her skin and her eyes. She thought that if her skin was white and her eyes were blue, more people would be able to notice her and love her (Wills). It was narrated in the story that â€Å"It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sightsâ€â€if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different†(Morrison).At this point of the story, we now see the intensity of her desire to shed her physical features as a black girl. We may judge that her desires were only skin deep, and that it was only her childish jealousy speaking. But still, she would grow up with this mentality, and one proof of this was her mother. It can be seen that this racial self-loathing can transcend age, and it doesn’t get any simpler, in fact, it gets worse. Pecola’s mother also hated her color and features, and the indirect effect of this is her fights and arguments with her husband.It was the fights between her parents that insinuated Pecola’s desi re to disappear. She often witnesses her mother and father beating up each other. She feels that it was again caused by their color, intensifying her desire to be different. She taught that if she was white or at least she has the bluest eyes, her parents would be happy and love each other. Her brother wouldn’t run away, and everything would turn out well. Somehow, she uses her racial self loathing as a means to an end. She thinks that the problem is rooted on color, and it would be resolved by color.Looking closely at Pecola’s understanding of her situation, we may say that she uses her desire for the bluest eyes as an escape. She wanted a new, different life, one rooted on love, care, and attention. She sees no difference between her and the white children except well, they’re white. It was pointed out by Claudia when she said â€Å"Nobody paid us any attention, so we paid very good attention to ourselves†(Morrison). If that is so, then the only thing that she wanted to change was her appearance, and she thinks that this would be the solution to all of her problems.At the end of the story, Pecola was driven into madness because her desires were never fulfilled. Instead, the entire world seemed to turn against her. She was sexually violated by her father two times. Her mother didn’t believe her, and even beat her up. She bore the fruit of the abuse, but it was lost in a miscarriage. Looking at the start of the story, we see a big change in Pecola. The hopeful child from the start was almost destroyed by violence in the end. This development in her character was the author’s take on the existing idea of racial self loathing at that time.For Toni Morrison, Pecola embodied every black person who hated their color. Toni Morrison’s take on racial self loathing is evident in the character of Pecola. Desiring for a better life by hating yourself would bring you more harm than good. Well, in the case of Pecola, it see med that it was brought upon her by her society. In her eyes, she sees people ignoring her, making fun of her, and even hating her because of her color. But then again, Pecola’s eyesight is clouded by her desire to be different, to be white, and to have the bluest eyes.Instead of being true to herself, she wanted to change everything. For her, it was a means to an end, the only way for her to accept by the people around her. For the author Toni Morrison, it was not. Hating one’s race and color wouldn’t change anything, instead, it would just attract more hatred, more cruelty, and more violence. Pecola shouldn’t have lost sight of the people around her. Not everyone overlooked and hated her. The MacTeer household, especially the children, loved her despite her color.This is one way for the author to say that color is not everything, and it shouldn’t be the reason for people like Pecola to hate. Works Cited: Kuenz, Jane. â€Å"The Bluest Eye: Notes on History, Community, and Black Female Subjectivity †African American Review Vol. 27. No. 3 (1993). Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. , 1993. Wills, Joy. â€Å"Genealogy of Rejection in Morrison's the Bluest Eye†. 1999. March 23 2009. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mass Media and Younger Generation
Abstract Entertainment has a significant influence on the people. The effects of entertainment can both be positive and negative. This influence of the entertainment industry has grown tremendously over the years. The influence can be greatly attributed to the advancement of technology. Entertainment is mostly through the media which includes; the television, magazines, newspapers, radio, and internet, among others. The influence of entertainment on the younger generation affects the way that they dress, talk, and act. This is because the current generation and society depends on entertainment as a form of communication and information.The society, therefore, turns to entertainment for the daily activities like education, health care, traveling, work, and personal relationships. This paper is going to look at the effects of entertainment on the younger generation. In addition, it is going to look at how entertainment affects the young generation in terms of their acts, the way they d ress, and talk. Introduction A nation like America is an example, of a country that has developed in terms of entertainment (Fisher 58). It is one of the countries that has got and has produced some of the greatest entertainers.The country is one of the leading producers of entertainment in the planet. In addition, it is one of the nations that there is a greater influence of entertainment on the younger generation. The effects of entertainment on the younger generation in America can be said to be both positive and negative. The influence is mostly on entertainment media such as television, radio, and the internet. The influence on the upcoming generation has affected their expression and vies on the culture of America. The influence is on how they talk, dress, and act on the society.This has been caused by the social media pressure that is sweeping through the country. These are the influences that entertainment has on the younger generation in the country. Entertainment The citiz ens of America depend on communication and information for their daily activities. These activities include; work, education, entertainment, traveling, personal relationships, and health care (Kearney and Crandall 89). The people use the newspapers or television to get news. They make phone calls, browse over the internet where possible to make decisions that re based on the information that they need and get. The decisions should be made depending on the values and beliefs that exist in the society. The younger generation, therefore, need to have facts and use experience when making certain decisions. The media are the place where most people get the latest and current facts and news on significant issues. Most of the younger generation, therefore, turns to the media which is a form of entertainment to get news and education. This in effect, has influence on the younger generation.The upcoming generation, gets influenced by the mass media and this in turn affects the way that they conduct themselves in the society. The influence works in several ways and can be caused also because of several reasons. This can be either positively, negatively, or even both. How the influence works The television is the common and most known form of entertainment that has got influence. The television exposes the upcoming generation to thousand of images. These images include; celebrities advertisement, violence, sex, among many others. The exposure to the younger generation is too high when considered in terms of years (Scott 9).The media should be responsible for the programs they air. They are the ones who should help in shaping the beliefs, values, and decisions that the upcoming generation makes. The companies that own the media are the ones who are in charge of entertainment movies, radio and television broadcasts. Moreover, they are the ones who authorize the programs, sports, and video entertainments. In addition, most of the companies that offer these services are also integrated in the wireless phones, telecommunications, music industry, electronic media, video game software, and more.Therefore, the companies should consider programs that nature cultural values and beliefs that do not have a negative influence on the upcoming generation. However, some companies have merged to shape the beliefs and opinions of the users. It is significant to consider what the younger generation is exposed to daily through the entertainment avenues. This calls for the other people in the society to be vigilant in protecting the values and beliefs of the country. They should look at the entertainment that is given from, different perspectives; as opposed to ho the media gives it.The advertisement done by the media is another exposure to the upcoming generation. Although, the media makes a lot of money from the advertisements, they have some negative influences to the younger generation. Many citizens are influenced, by the advertisements, and this makes them buy th e things that they are told that are good. Decisions are made from the advertisements that the citizens are exposed to daily. This is based on what is seen on the newspapers, magazines, or television. The product is deemed to be the best and most people make decisions based on what the media is propagation.This creates influence as people tend to trust the media. The same applies to the younger generation that is exposed to this form of entertainment. The effect and influence on the upcoming generation makes them buy what they watch over the televisions. This is mostly influenced by what they consider being their celebrities’ favorites. The upcoming generation will buy what favorite celebrity has advertised and what they deem to be acceptable in the society. This is based on the fashion that the media has created and imposed on the minds. The influences can be at times positive or negative.A positive example can be a sport that is getting media attention. Many of the younger generation will want to be identified with that sport. The popularity in the society and among the friends for the sport can make a youth be identified with the sport. This will make the upcoming generation start practicing for the sport with the idea that it is cool. The influence will turn out to be positive as the youth will become healthier from the exercise and have fun with friends. An example of a negative influence for the younger generation can be the use of cigars. This can be as a result of seeing a celebrity movie star using a cigar.In addition, the exposure to images with excessive violence, junk foods, and sex can influence the upcoming generations negatively. The upcoming generation is in a stage of life that needs some acceptance from the peers. They would like to feel loved and be successful in whatever they venture and try (White and Andsager 72). Therefore, the creation of the media of ideal images of beautiful women and handsome men as the real characteristics of successful people through television and movie influences the younger generation. This will make the upcoming generation want to look as the celebrity.They will copy the dressing styles so as to feel cool and successful like the images of the celebrities. The youth are, hence exposed to buying dresses and stuff that can make them look like the celebrities who are considered to be cool and successful. The influence of the entertainment industry has had an effect on the youth’s obesity and anorexia nature. Many upcoming generations in the country are fighting obesity. This is happening, while, they are exposed to most advertisements that carry junk food advertisements. The advertisements are there, yet, they give ideal images of successful people as wealthy and thin.The women are the ones who are mostly affected with this type of influence. They are so obsessed with loosing even in cases which they are not declared as obese. Many women are thin in the society as they want to r esemble and look like the thin celebrities, and super models that they see in the images, in the entertainment industry. The women, are, therefore, engaged in disorder eating habits that mostly lead to severe issues of health and in worse cases even death. Effects of violence in media Watching a movie or television exposes the upcoming generation to images of many people hurting others and violence.This type of exposure can have some influence on the upcoming generation. A person can easily become disturbed because of such exposure. This normally happens to the children who are exposed to this type of entertainment more and more each passing day. As the children grow, they begin shaping their personalities. This includes both beliefs and values. A child who is exposed to this form of entertainment can become very aggressive. In addition, these children can lose their sense of fiction and reality on what they are exposed in the movies and television.There are incidents and scenarios that have been reported of children carrying guns to school. Such kind of incidences where the children also hurt others can be attributed to the influence of the entertainment. This affects the cultural values and beliefs of such children. The behaviors of this type are associated with children who are mostly exposed to the excessive use of war images and violent video games (Coleman 112). The media using real war as a form of entertainment also exposes the upcoming generation to negative influences. The children need to be educated and informed, on the good forms of entertainment, to be watched.In addition, they need to be informed that the video games do not have winners or losers just as in the real war. Entertainment impact on society and the upcoming generation is significant. In addition, the influence of entertainment on public opinion cannot be ignored. The entertainment forms can change the public opinion of the upcoming generation in different ways. This depends on the ob jective of the form of entertainment. Television as one of the greatest discoveries of all times has so much influence on the upcoming generation. Television can be used for many purposes. This depends on the choice of the individual that uses the device.This can be used for entertainment purposes, like; watching music or soap. The shows that they youths are exposed to when watching television have created so many controversies. This is because of the influence that they have on the younger generations (Petley and Barker 34). The television has both advantageous and adverse effects on the youth. This will depend on what the viewer sees. This explains why the entertainment shows that are aired are full of controversies. Most of the shows are just on dates and celebrities. These types of shows are what influences the future generation that includes the children and youth.Most of the influences unfortunately are not positive. Studies indicate that there is a trend that is coming up whe re most shows are just for publicity purposes. This makes the youth find themselves easily influenced to be part of the shows to feel cool. The shows that help in increasing learning processes on the youth receive little publicity. These are the shows that can help the youth to nature good moral values and beliefs (Desilet 109). The television promotes entertainment and education. However, it is an individual’s responsibility to derive what he wants from the shows.Most young people are corrupted in the minds by the entertainment forms that they see. The youth fall prey to the many of the misleading advertisements in place. They get confused by asking on the celebrities that are being advertised. Furthermore, they get manipulated in their thinking. This makes them think of violence and criminal things. The more the youth is exposed to the entertainments the more they get influenced to the message that they get. Their social and cultural behavior is affected by the entertainmen t. The children are exposed to the negative influence of entertainment as parents are not there to control them.Some parents work till late and when they get home they are too tired to help the children in activities. They get glued to the television plus their children. Upcoming generation feels confident and they do what they feel like. In addition, visual effects normally lasts long on a person and this can leave some adverse effects to such an exposed victim. The advancement of technology has made things worse. Most of the television stations relay their programs through the satellite. This has left the parents with no control on the programs watched, and, therefore, the children remain exposed to indecent entertainment forms.The youth has also taken advantage of the same. They use the entertainment field to get knowledge and information from the television. Most of the young generation normally watches programs that are mostly entertaining. No wonder, television is considered a s a source of entertainment instead of a source of knowledge. This is the reason as to why television has to a great extent adversely affected the upcoming generation. Many youths have favorite celebrities that they look up to, as role models in their lives. This makes them to look for them in the movies or magazines. The reason behind this is to get the latest fashion trends or air styles.The youths look, on the magazines, to see what the celebrities have and the scope of the new trends that are considered hot. The entertainment industry is constantly changing perceptions of the youth. This changes the perception of who they are and what they think of themselves. In addition, the entertainment industry is what can be attributed to the changing trends in cultural ways. Most people look at the celebrities and entirely change their own ideals and views so as to mach what is considered to be perfection. The youth wants to be associated with money, ideal cars, and careers. The simple th ings in life are becoming less appreciated.This happens as people tend to look up for those with more wealth. They compare their lives with such people. The youth wants something bigger and something more. This is what makes entertainment have a constant impact on the societal trends. It is the aspects of the entertainment industry that makes the youth know how much they are rich and how famous they need to be in life. The constant advertisements, magazine covers, and other entertainment forms are what overwhelm the society. Moreover, the entertainment industry is what is responsible for most of the upcoming generations changing trends and perceptions on culture and the way of life.The shows that are aired make the youth look at their own lives. This makes them feel the need to do something different. Divorce is also becoming common in the society. The trend is mostly seen in celebrity couples. Cases of the celebs getting divorced are there every day. This has made it like a routine to those who are also in the media industry. The divorce cases are publicized in the media as something normal and good in the society. This has made the youth look at divorce as something that is insignificant. The society has also not carried any negativity on divorce of late. People run to marriages instead of dating.This whole situation has been created by the celebs. The celebrity couples have made divorce a trend. Moreover, the celebs have made the meaning of divorce be of less meaning and look like normal in the society. This trend has caused the youth to follow suit. The entertainment industry can be said to be the reason behind the change of perception and trend of divorce. The youth has been influenced, by the entertainment industry, to do cosmetic surgery. The trend has already swept through the society and is common with people who want to look like celebs or be more beautiful. There are shows in the television programs like DR. 20210 that have made plastic surgery be t he in thing (Durham 120). The shows make the youth want to look like the celebrities. They do this by trying to transform them to look like celebrities. They give them the different cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures that exist. The message passed is that a person in his own identity is not handsome and good. The trend encourages the youth to try plastic surgery in order to have perfect bodies. Therefore, the reason of not having a perfect look is not there as there is the option of cosmetic surgery. This has made the celebrities, to, also, have plastic surgeries to enhance their appearance.This is done with the belief that it will help in carriers, but, the youth just emulate the trend for the sake of it. The trend has made many youth to lack self fulfillment as they feel they are not good looking or good enough. Conclusion The entertainment industry has both positive and negative influence on the youth, but, it is not entirely bad. The negative effects and influences that the industry has, on the upcoming generation need, to be changed and recognized. This can help the youth so that their minds are not that clouded with the celebrity perfection ideas.The youth need to be educated and informed on the need for self confidence and self fulfillment as they are fundamental to true happiness in life. These traits are hard to attain for the youth because of entertainment and media industry. The industries are constantly showing and sending messages to viewers on the definition of perfection. This makes it hard for many of the youths to be contented and happy with their personalities and looks. The youth should stop to look for celebrities, movies, and television shows, for ideal and perfect life.The obsession created by the entertainment industry influences the youth’s way of life. They change the way they dress, walk, and even act. The entertainment industry will continue to have effects and influences on youth and societal trends. The influences shoul d be worked on, to make them have positive effects on society and society as a whole. This can involve the transformation of the celebrities, actors, and models in the entertainment industry. The effect can be huge and tremendous on the upcoming generation and society. The changing trends in societal beliefs and values can be influenced to be positive ones on the youth.Things can be better when the effects of the entertainment industry lean more towards the positive influences than the negative influences on the youth. This can be done knowing very well that America is one of the leading producers of entertainment and as such it is a significant component in influencing the behavior of the younger generation. The entertainment industry has influences on the upcoming generation views and expression of culture. This is depicted by the way that they talk, dress, and act on society through social media pressure in the country.You can get a custom research paper[->0] on this topic at Ess ayLib. com. Feel free to buy your paper written from scratch! Â ·Tags: entertainment research paper[->1], essay on entertainment[->2], research paper on social media[->3], social media essay[->4] Comments are closed. [->0] – http://www. essaylib. com/research-paper. php [->1] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/entertainment-research-paper [->2] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/essay-on-entertainment [->3] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/research-paper-on-social-media [->4] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/social-media-essay
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Mysterious Stranger essays
The Mysterious Stranger essays In the Mark Twain story The Mysterious Stranger, Satan teaches Theodor that the Moral Sense that humans possess is more of an impairment than a gift. The first time Satan degrades Mans Moral Sense is when he use the term to explain the difference between himself and Man (66). Theodor, who only had a dim idea of what the Moral Sense was is upset at the way Satan speaks of it. Satan shows Theodor several examples of the cruel things Man does that no other animal on earth would do. Satan says that that although man was given the Moral Sense to differentiate right from wrong he usually makes the wrong decision(78). Satan also says that man is proud to have the Moral Sense when it is actually a shameful possession(78). The examples of the poverty in the French Village(78-9), the man being tortured in the jail(78),and persecution of the witches are all used by Satan to teach Theodor the flaws of mankind and the Moral Sense. Theodor begins to understand why Satan looks down upon our race as silly and trivial when he sees all of the cruel things that man does to other men and animals. Satan defends even the animals of the earth by saying that even they are not tainted with the disease called the Moral Sense(80) and therefore cannot do wrong because they dont have a choice like man does. He questions the boys as to why Hans Opperts loyal dog should not be allowed into heaven and asks if their race can add anything to this dogs stock of morals and magnanimities.(80) Satan thinks that the Moral Sense make humans a foolish race. Mans cruelty cannot be blamed on anyone but him because he knows right from wrong. Along with the Moral Sense, Satan also compares humans to sheep, and says that they are mostly followers and afraid to assert themselves because they want to sta ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Tupac Shakur
Is Tupac Truly dead? Or is it an escape from the media and life as a gangster? Tupac Shakur is the most known rapier in the world. His rhymes did play a big part in him becoming famous, but the controversy of his death is what has made him so well known across the world. He is to hip-hop as Elvis is to rock & roll. Both of there fans still believe there alive and try to prove it all the time. Are there really secret messages in Tupac’s lyrics, was his death planed out or was it all a tragic incident taking one of the music industries top performers. Tupac Shakur signed to death row records in the late 80’s. He had released 7 albums and was releasing his 8th on September 16 1996. He was found sleeping with fellow rapier Biggies wife in early 1996 which caused a massive feud between the east coast and west cost hip hop industries. Mid 1996 Tupac during an interview said he wanted to get out of the spot light and gangster life for good. Tupac Shakur had front row seats to the Mike Tyson fight Saturday September 6 1996 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The fight lasted for roughly 123sec.Tupac was one of the last people to leave the fight. When he got to the parking garage he was shot 5 times, and unfortunately this was the 1 night he didn’t have on his bulletproof vest. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where the press wasn’t allowed. He lived the 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th and died the 13th. During those 7 days there was never a picture taken of him in the hospital. His official time of death was 4:03 pm, causing many people to unite and mourn the loss of him. Tupac had raped about being buried but was scheduled to be cremated Sept 14th only a day after his death. The press was told it would be a private funeral for immediate family only, but later that day the funeral was canceled leaving Afeni Shakur the only person to see him dead. The 16th his new album was released called the 7 day theory. The cover featured Tupac crucifi... Free Essays on Tupac Shakur Free Essays on Tupac Shakur Is Tupac Truly dead? Or is it an escape from the media and life as a gangster? Tupac Shakur is the most known rapier in the world. His rhymes did play a big part in him becoming famous, but the controversy of his death is what has made him so well known across the world. He is to hip-hop as Elvis is to rock & roll. Both of there fans still believe there alive and try to prove it all the time. Are there really secret messages in Tupac’s lyrics, was his death planed out or was it all a tragic incident taking one of the music industries top performers. Tupac Shakur signed to death row records in the late 80’s. He had released 7 albums and was releasing his 8th on September 16 1996. He was found sleeping with fellow rapier Biggies wife in early 1996 which caused a massive feud between the east coast and west cost hip hop industries. Mid 1996 Tupac during an interview said he wanted to get out of the spot light and gangster life for good. Tupac Shakur had front row seats to the Mike Tyson fight Saturday September 6 1996 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The fight lasted for roughly 123sec.Tupac was one of the last people to leave the fight. When he got to the parking garage he was shot 5 times, and unfortunately this was the 1 night he didn’t have on his bulletproof vest. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where the press wasn’t allowed. He lived the 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th and died the 13th. During those 7 days there was never a picture taken of him in the hospital. His official time of death was 4:03 pm, causing many people to unite and mourn the loss of him. Tupac had raped about being buried but was scheduled to be cremated Sept 14th only a day after his death. The press was told it would be a private funeral for immediate family only, but later that day the funeral was canceled leaving Afeni Shakur the only person to see him dead. The 16th his new album was released called the 7 day theory. The cover featured Tupac crucifi... Free Essays on Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur (2Pac) Tupac Shakur was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore, ND, where he attended The Baltimore School, Tupac led a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That’s when Tupac began hanging with the wrong crowd. Tupac later got into the rap and acting business, he was dedicated to both rap/hiphop and acting. Tupac was very real, whatever was on his mind he said it in his lyrics. Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award-winning success, Tupac released his own album â€Å"2pacalypse now†, which was also a success. The hit single â€Å"Brenda’s Got A Baby†launched Tupac’s career like a rocket. His stunning talent also hot him a role in the motion picture â€Å"Juiceâ₠¬ . Tupac eventually released a second album â€Å"Strictly for my Niggaz,†which was an even bigger success. The highlight of Tupac’s acting career came when he appeared in â€Å"Poetic Juice†besides Janet Jackson. The role Jackson 2 made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac’s number one thing. In the midst of a role in the movie â€Å"Above the Rim†and a Platinum album â€Å"Me against the world,†Tupac’s rising career was snagged. A woman he met at a nightclub brought him up on sexual assault charges. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain robbed Tupac at gunpoint. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, â€Å"All eyes on me.†â€Å"All eyes on me†has currently sold around 6 Million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Handwritten Note
The Handwritten Note The Handwritten Note The Handwritten Note By Maeve Maddox As public school districts drop instruction in cursive handwriting, and young bloggers reflect with amazement that â€Å"there was a time where [sic] just about everything was handwritten,†it’s easy to believe that no one under the age of 105 would dream of sending a handwritten note to a friend, colleague, or client. Don’t you believe it. Far from belonging to the analog past, the handwritten note has found a place in the high-tech world of business. Forbes, the Huffington Post, and The Wall Street Journal, as well as lesser publications and business sites, feature articles on the value of the handwritten note. In a time when people are deluged with emails and junk mail, the handwritten note stands out like a raven in the snow. In the business world, standing out is good. Business consultants and CEOs don’t simply recommend the use of handwritten notes to prospective clients; some require it. In an article at Forbes, Jessica Kleiman mentions a colleague who requires his sales staff to turn in photocopies of the thank-you notes that they send during the week; he wants to know they aren’t relying on email alone. She also cites a magazine editor who won’t hire a job applicant who doesn’t send â€Å"a real note†following the interview, â€Å"no matter how impressive they were in person.†Handwritten notes are not only good business, but good human relations, little candles shining in a naughty world. In an increasingly impersonal world in which telephones are answered by robots, and the mail brings piles of glossy junk, a handwritten note says, â€Å"Hello, I know you’re there; I like and respect you enough to take some time to let you know that you matter.†John Coleman says that part of what makes a handwritten note so valuable is that it costs more than digital communication: [Unlike email] handwritten notes are unusual. They take minutes (or hours) to draft, each word carefully chosen with no â€Å"undo†or â€Å"autocorrect†to fall back on. Drafting one involves selecting stationery, paying for stamps, and visiting a mailbox. They indicate investment, and that very costliness indicates value. If, as the U.S. Postal Service notes, we only receive a handwritten letter once every two months, each of those letters likely means more to us than the â€Å"cheaper†communication we receive each day. –Harvard Business Review Sometimes people are so startled to receive a handwritten note they send a thank-you note in reply. The occasion of a handwritten note can even be newsworthy: [John F. McKeon, a New Jersey assemblyman,] was surprised to receive a handwritten note from Mr. Christie, telling him that he had heard the comments, and that he didn’t like them. [President Obama] has sent a handwritten note to one art historian apologizing for his â€Å"off-the-cuff remarks,†which he said were intended as a commentary on the market, not the value of art history. No doubt about it–handwritten notes get attention. Next time you’re in the office supply store replenishing your toner, you might want to add some quality notepaper and a nice pen to your order. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because†or â€Å"Because Of†7 Patterns of Sentence StructureGrammatical Case in English
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Institutional Racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Institutional Racism - Essay Example This does not mean that Lockwood's theory of 'deferential worker' of the institution does not exist. One of the best definitions says: "The collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin which can be seen or detected in processes; attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantages minority ethnic people." From the Macpherson report - It is also called Structural Racism and Systemic Racism that can be practised in institutions, and public organisations. Racial bias, prejudiced notions, bigotry belonging to the earlier century, blind beliefs that colour and creed make difference, race-restricted discriminations, etc. come under this category because there was role-allocation for centuries depending on racial differences. "In race relations the deterministic and ascriptive basis of role-allocation is crucial. If individuals or groups act on the assumption that genetically determined racial differences exist and govern social behaviour the consequences for society are the same, even if the assumption has no scientific foundation in human biology," Richmond (1972, p.1). Role- allocation has led to systematic discrimination of a particular race, separating it for security purposes, keeping the entire race away from the main stream, profiling such races for mean jobs, keeping them as slaves or bonded labourers, preventing their educational or professional advancement, not allowing them to take advantage of popular or state help, and leaving them out of the national policies are symptoms of institutional racism. "Institutionalised racism is an indirect and largely invisible process which can be compared with cloning and the glass ceiling. It is a term encompassing the, often unintentional, barriers and selection/promotion procedures which serve to disadvantage members of ethnic minority groups" In UK, sometimes Media3 and Police Force4 are dubbed as racist institutions. But it need not be always true and correct. In the murder of Stephen Lawrence, this belief was countered as "the tragic murder of a young man and the distress of his bereaved parents have been exploited by pressure groups intent on establishing credibility for their claim that black people in Britain are victims who should be given preferential treatment"5. In this context, the institution is considered as racist and not the individual, who might be working according to the highest ethical and accepted standards, without any partiality towards any race or colour. This type of racism could also be a part of public sector culture. In The Times, Kwame McKenzie, while commenting on institutional racism in mental health institutions, says that mental health system knows the existence of racial indifference in treatment, but had been unable to do much about it, having started to address the problem only recently and the entire system has to raise up to eradicate it, although the individual workers are not racists in any way6. "However, in general, black British patients get worse treatment for mental health problems than white British patients. They are more likely to be treated against their will, more likely to be treated with drugs rather than psychotherapy and more likely to be treated on locked psychiatric wards",,6-2012844,00.html It has been an acknowledged fact that media, mostly has the problem of imbalanced reporting of high profile
Friday, October 18, 2019
Food and Drug Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Food and Drug Association - Assignment Example Restriction on the extensive use of the tobacco products, nutritional appendages, preparation and over-the-counter medications, vaccines, and different kinds of biopharmaceuticals products. In common words, one can define FDA as a â€Å"scientific, regulatory, and public health agency†(Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2013). The agency grew from a single chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862 to a staff of approximately 9,100 employees by 2001. The history of FDA is also an eventful one. It was initially known as Division of Chemistry and later on, after 1901 it was started to know as Bureau of Chemistry. The organization started to enjoy the power of regulating the operation of various companies after the implementation of Federal Food and Drugs Act by the US government in the year of 1906. The name was changed to the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration in July 1927 and from 1930 onwards the present name was incorporated (Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2013). The act of 1906 was replaced in the year of 1936 in the USA when Tennessee Drug Company brings together and marketed a form of the new sulfa wonder drug, Elixir Sulfanilamide- which was a medicine for pediatric patients. The product was launched in the US market untested and the result was horrible. The solvent of this medi cine was highly toxic in nature which was the main reason behind the death of over 100 people in the country. Most of them were children. To control the anger of the people and at the same time make the food and drug products more secured the US government under the leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act on 1938. This made the functioning of all different companies more systematic and there was more rigorous monitoring in place in terms of the standard and quality of the finished goods, the process associated with the production, quality, and standard of raw materials used etc.Â
Journal (Answer All questions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Journal (Answer All questions) - Essay Example Additionally, strategies may be considered as an art or craft tool owing to the fact that it is a tool applied at various managerial facets and it involves the formulation, instrumentation and the examination of various processes geared towards achieving certain goals (Johnson et al, 2011). Intended strategy applies to myriad organizational dimensions; it involves undertaking deliberate planning and execution of the planned courses of actions. In some occasions it may also be referred as deliberate strategy for instance humanitarian organization may formulate tools that will enable them deliver specific forms of assistance to victims of a disaster or industries may develop tools that will enable them fit in a competitive market. Tools used in intended strategy may include; objectives, visions as well as the application of a SWOT analysis process to enhance the achievement of a desired goal (Cooper, 2007). On the other hand, emergent strategies encompass a framework of actions that are formulated over time in the process of implementing organizational plans without intended missions, objectives as well as visions. According to Mintzberg, it is described as ‘a realized pattern that was not intended’. For instance; an organization may realize certain imperative actions that may develop in the process of their operation which may also facilitate the achievement of their goals. The learning school strategy is among the ten schools of strategy; it is based on the idea that strategy is a tool that develops in the process of acquiring new ideas and skills concerning various organizational facets. For instance; an organization may be faced by various challenges in the process of its operation however, new ideas may emerge in the process that may assist in creating a solution to the problem (Bhatt, 2005). The other school of strategy is the position strategy that was developed by
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Energy Policy Paradox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Energy Policy Paradox - Essay Example The earth’s respiration will be eased when people consume less of the plastic materials and walk more instead of driving in cars. However, realistically, people still need to drive and consumer products. Thus, solution that is more plausible would be electric cars and extensive recycling programs that educate people to reuse the previously used materials. By doing so, there will be no carbon flux that will negatively influence the earth’s fine balance on the carbon cycle. There is also the need to introduce sequestration where the carbon dioxide emitted is trapped before it spreads to the atmosphere. The Carbon dioxide is trapped as gas and then pumped underground or to the ocean. Countries should start using renewable energy sources such as solar, biofuels, wave, and wind as a direct substitute to the fossils fuels and erase carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable energy is efficient and it does emit carbon dioxide that leads to climate change. People should be encouraged to plant trees and save the natural environment from degradation. Summarily, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, and human activities are responsible for the change in climatic patterns. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere is very high which leads to climatic changes. Therefore, there is the need to curb climate change through introduction of renewable energy to avoid the usage of fossil fuels, cut on green gases emitted from industries, and practice tree planting in order to minimize environmental
Obama's Full 2013 State of the Union Address Essay
Obama's Full 2013 State of the Union Address - Essay Example Minimum wages were raised to $ 9 as a social security measure. Gun control laws will be strengthened. War on terror will be ended in soon and America will take only a supporting role in future in Afghanistan. Obama seems to be particular about the development of manufacturing sector as a measure to boost America’s economic progress. In his opinion, manufacturing sector is the key in reducing unemployment and directing the country towards prosperity. Obama seems to believe in the economic principle of produce more and develop rapidly. In my opinion, Obama has used this opportunity to give more emphasize to the actions taken in the past to boost America’s progress. He had not said much about his future plans. Some of his claims in the speech were slightly exaggerated. For example, he proudly announced that minimum wages were raised to $ 9 per hour. However, he had forgotten that this slight increase in minimum wages is nothing considering huge expenditure an average family faces daily. Moreover, he announced that the oil production has increased a lot in the recent past. However, still America is the second largest importer of oil resources from external countries. China like countries has already implemented big efforts to exploit renewable energy sources such as solar energy. However, Obama is still reluctant in spending much on developing renewable energy sources. It should be noted that China is the number one exploiter of solar energy at present and their progress is causing big concerns to America. Ho wever, Obama has not said anything about the challenges from China and India like Asian countries. Even though Obama talked about war on terror and withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, he said not much about America’s foreign policies on Middle East issues. Even though plenty of people expected a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Energy Policy Paradox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Energy Policy Paradox - Essay Example The earth’s respiration will be eased when people consume less of the plastic materials and walk more instead of driving in cars. However, realistically, people still need to drive and consumer products. Thus, solution that is more plausible would be electric cars and extensive recycling programs that educate people to reuse the previously used materials. By doing so, there will be no carbon flux that will negatively influence the earth’s fine balance on the carbon cycle. There is also the need to introduce sequestration where the carbon dioxide emitted is trapped before it spreads to the atmosphere. The Carbon dioxide is trapped as gas and then pumped underground or to the ocean. Countries should start using renewable energy sources such as solar, biofuels, wave, and wind as a direct substitute to the fossils fuels and erase carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable energy is efficient and it does emit carbon dioxide that leads to climate change. People should be encouraged to plant trees and save the natural environment from degradation. Summarily, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, and human activities are responsible for the change in climatic patterns. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere is very high which leads to climatic changes. Therefore, there is the need to curb climate change through introduction of renewable energy to avoid the usage of fossil fuels, cut on green gases emitted from industries, and practice tree planting in order to minimize environmental
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Airline Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Airline Industry - Assignment Example This entails enhancing overall air travel and market penetration, given the uniqueness of the European market in terms of labor costs, market size, air travel substitutes, deregulation measures and new-play entry prospects. In the introduction section, the report provides a general view of the European airline industry. The report will also include a summary of the PESTLE analysis (in tabular form), opportunities and threats facing the European airline industry. The reflective report section provides the insights into the processes and factors that affect the industry the industry. The conclusion part will provide an overview of the case study (European aviation industry). Since 1919, countries, especially in Europe, had sovereign rights over the airspace in their territories. National governments took responsibility to regulate the industry. However, from 1944, countries began setting rules touching on economic rights in the aviation industry. For example, the U.S. called for an open skies policy through a multilateral agreement. However, European nations called for the formation of an international regulatory authority to regulate issues such as capacity and traveling fees to build the industry. Since then, the European airline industry has changed, thereby promoting competition. Given the diverse issues discussed above, issues specific to Europe’s aviation sector affect the nature of ‘new entry’ airline performance and overall competitiveness. Captain and Sickles (1997) assert that cost implications affect overall airfare, time-utility, overall efficiency and effectiveness of industry players in promoting air travel as the preferred means of transport in Europe. This captures both short- and long-haul travel be it goods, cargo or passenger travel.
International student migration to the UK Essay Example for Free
International student migration to the UK Essay Since the policy of UKs government on immigration dramatically changed in 1997, a positive immigration policy was carried out by the UK government, especially towards temporary skilled immigration (Stam.A, 2006). Thus students migration increasingly became representative of this kind of migration. This students migration trend brings various effects to the UK student immigration pattern as well as the entire UK. Therefore, this essay aims to demonstrate the effect of students migration in China and European country, particularly, analyze the major cause of students migration , then compare the different causes in these two typical examples and evaluate the differences in my perspective. The similar significant effect of students migration in China and European country to the UK is the increasing number of students. According to the report from European Union (EU) after 2004, the A8 countries (from Eastern Europe who joined the EU in the largest single expansion since its creation in 1957) had a great number of increasing students inflow of A8 students to the UK annually (see figure 1). In the academic year of 2008/09 there were approximately 17,000 Higher education students who were domiciled in A8 countries. From this data, it is clear draws the conclusion that the annual students migration at A8 countries were increased. Over the long term, the effects of this immigration pause on the size of European community of education more small. In addition, Non-European country still send large students to the UK. Based on the statistics from UK Higher Education Statistics Agency, during the period of 1995 and 2003, overseas students increase in number from 206,000 to just over 300,000. It claims that overseas students represented over 13% of the entire UK Higher Education student population. (Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2005). In part of Non-European countries student migration, the largest contribution comes from Asia (see figure 2). Figure 1 A8 student numbers in Higher Education institutions in England and Wales, 2001/02 2008/09 (Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2010) Figure 2 Nationality of foreign students entering the UK, 2004-2010 ( Source :Home Office, Control of Immigration :Statistics UK, 2010) However, in terms of the situation in China, the major effect of students migration is not only the increased number of students, but also the financial contribution to the UK government and some negative social effect. According to the survey during 2003-2004, the 43,000 international students from China contributed at least 300 million pounds and increased more 30% than the previous year. Furthermore, this trend still gives rise to the social issues. For instance, some wealthier students might has showed off their high level of consumption which may attract the increased robbery and bring the threat to their safety and even undoubtedly arise the crime rate in local community (Wei .S, 2005). From this case of Chinese students migration, it claims that the effects of student migration have both positive and negative sides. In spite of the effects that European country and China caused, the major reason which causes these effects should be pay more attention to analyze. Just as Mr. Willetts spoken at conference of University UK, Without international students, we could not be only poorer economically-we could also be more boring, more insular, and more ignorant of wider world.(BBC News, 2012). On the one hand, economy drive more Chinese students migration to the UK. After the opening-up Chinese economy reforms since 1970s, many Chinese migrants are chasing the better economic development and have significant migration inflows from China. So students migration becomes the main trend to meet requirements as a consequence of rapid development of economy requires more educated talent in work force. Thus,a great number of parents pull and push their children to study in the UK in order to acquire level of English, study at higher academic reputational university. In contrast, the cause in European country is different. The citizens from A8 country in European started to be implement the fewer restriction on their right entering the UK (Gillingham.E, 2010) and it has reflected on the area of students migration. Specifically, as a result of the more simple process of entering the UK, students are highly attractive source of skilled migration without an excess of limitations. Other causes of difference between China and European country involve issue of visa policy. Overview the Non-European country, the major cause of increase students migration is that student visas are not permanent, and they do not need provide a direct legal route to settlement. On the basic data of entering in the UK, 79% not stayed as British residents and another 6% remained as students who not tend to lead settlement (Achato et al.2010). There extension of visa statement can state that application of Tire 4 Student visas are rising up during the period of year from 2001 to 2010 (see figure 3). China is the largest group of students migration to the UK in Non-European country, so there is no doubt that the visa extension in Non-European country also reflects the same situation in China. Moreover, implementing entry procedures in flexible, provide available service lets students gain work experiences in the UK. This also a effective strategy to keep international intellectual stay in the UK (Wei Shen, 2005). In comparison, students who from European country have fewer limitation about visa. For example, the UK council for International Student Affairs clams that if a student from European Economic Area (EEA), the student could be entitled to the UK freely for up to three months without any demonstration about the right of free movement and do not have to register or apply for any documents in order to stay in the UK.(UKCISA) figure 3 Extension of visas, non-EEA students,2001-10 (Source :Home Office, Control of Immigration: Statistics UK, 2009) To summarize, according to the analysis of these two examples, it is not difficult to state all these students migration have similar effects but different causes of migration pattern. Although excessive student migration can cause some social issues, the similar effect of the increasing number of students immigration to the UK still exist in China and European country as the major impact of students migration. However, the different causes of this migration trend contribute as much as their similar effect. In China, students migration to other nation is to fulfill the developing countrys demand of skilled people to facilitate economy. I believe this cause could attract more students study abroad and so that streamling service of visas application to provide more convenience to students migration. While in European country, there are fewer restriction of visa policy and right entering to the UK than China. This can make the policy about students migration in European country change more to promote the development of it. Therefore, I argue that different causes about students migration in China and European country still cause similar result, and it will be profound to migration pattern in the future. List of References Achato, et al. (2010) The Migration Journey. Home Office Research Report 43.London: Home Office BBC News.(2012,September 13).Overseas students: Change to UK migration figures planned. Available at: Blinder,S.(2011,December). Non-European Student Migration to the UK, The migration observatory, 1st Revision (Next update:12/12/2012). Available at: Findlay,A.M.and Stam,A.(2006, March 16).International student migration to the UK:Training for the global economy or simply another form of Global talent recruitment? Institute for the Study of International Migration. Available at: Gillingham,E. (2010, November). Understanding A8 migration to the UK since Accession, Office for National Statistics. Available at: ber-2010/understanding-a8-migration-to-the-uk-since-accession.pdf Higher Education Statistics Agency (2005). Students in Higher Education Institutions 2003/4.(also 1994/5-present) The Higher Education Academy (2007). The internalization of UK Higher Education: a review of selected material. Available at: UK council for International Student Affairs(no date). EEA and Swiss students. Available at: Wei Shen (2005). A study on Chinese student migration, Asia Europe Journal, 3(3). Available at:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Race Issues in Social Work Practice
Race Issues in Social Work Practice White Social Workers pejorative assessment of black families and the reinforcement of racist stereotypes through their intervention are central to the social working, i.e. social control, of black families and form the major avenues through which they clientise black people. (Dominelli, 1988) Introduction While keeping the above statement in mind this paper will discuss how assessment can be effective in assessing need and managing risk for all users. It will do this by looking at how problems and conflicts are addressed and in what ways this might be effective for users of mental health services. Assessment Assessment is a process that all users have to undergo in order to determine what services they might be entitled to and how their needs might best be addressed. Social workers who specialise in the area of mental health are bound by the 1995 Act which defines their responsibilities to people with mental or physical disabilities. Disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities (Brayne and Martin, 1999:460). The Human Rights Act of 1998 is phrased in such a manner that local authorities now have a duty to act in ways that are conversant with the Act. Social workers help people with mental health difficulties to deal with the problems that they face. It is the social worker’s duty to help organise care and support for people with physical disabilities, with learning disabilities, and with mental health problems. This duty begins with an assessment of need for services, it is only once such an assessment has taken place that social workers and local authorities will be able to decide whether they can help with that need. In the 1980s the Tory Thatcher Government brought market policies into the health service that included what is known as ‘care in the community’ this meant that large numbers of psychiatric hospitals were closed. This resulted in those who were mentally impaired, along with a small number of psychotic patients being discharged into the community. They did not receive proper treatment and a number of incidents created public unrest. Thus, whenever a social worker makes an assessment for someone with mental health difficulties they have a duty to do so with the concept of also assessing any risk that they feel users might face or that they could pose to society. Under the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act (circular LAC (92) 12 any needs assessment that a social worker undertakes needs to take into account the following: The capacity/incapacity of the person being assessed Their preferences and aspirations Their living situation Any support they might have from relatives and friends Other sources of help With regard to people with mental health problems and with other disabilities, just because local authorities have a duty to find out about such people in their area and offer help, does not depend on a client’s request for services rather it requires the social worker to carry out an assessment of anyone in that group who might be eligible for services (Brayne and Martin, 1999). Once an assessment has been carried out and the client’s needs identified then social workers have a duty to help people with mental health problems obtain the benefits that they are entitled to. The social worker also has a duty to ensure that the client is in accommodation that is suitable to their particular needs. The authority may need to provide extra support to enable a person to continue living in their own home or they may need to arrange a move to residential accommodation or long term hospital care. Thus working with this client group is a large and varied field and social workers ar e faced with a number of different duties in this respect. These duties and responsibilities are further defined under legislation and policy relating to the needs of people with mental and or physical disabilities. A social worker whose clients are in one of the aforementioned groups may find themselves visiting clients in a number of different settings. It may be the client’s home, hospital, residential accommodation, or sometimes at the social worker’s place of employment. Generally the social worker will act as part of a team dealing with a number of different cases and in each one will need to be aware of the general legislative framework as it applies to that particular client group. Social workers are required to write reports on every case that he/she is engaged with. This will then be seen by their supervisor and by the care management team. This helps in addressing client needs and determining a care package. It is also a way of determining whether the social worker has done their job in the best way possible i.e. a way that empowers the service user and gives them some say in the decision making process. This is especially relevant where mental health is concerned as the re has been some speculation as to whether social workers and other mental health professionals deal with service users in ways that are non-prejudicial. Some research tends to suggest that over the last fifteen years those who use mental health services have been treated in a prejudicial way. This is because (and Government debates are also at fault here) this group of users have tended to be defined in terms of the risk they constitute to themselves and the wider society. This is despite all the evidence supporting the view that those with mental health problems are not generally a risk to society. Langow and Lindow (2004) argue that such a concentration on risk means that an individual so defined runs the risk of having decisions concerning their lives taken out of their hands. This is certainly borne out by government policy proposals regarding people who are considered to be a risk to themselves or others. Langow and Lindow (ibid) maintain that this concentration on risk means that social workers and other mental health workers often find it hard to distinguish the reasons why someone may behave in an aggressive manner. Is it due to psychotic behaviour, or is it just that they feel disempowered or feel themselves as having been subject to racial abuse? The danger here is simply to err in favour of the psychosis rather than believing they have to take the risk that someone would not pose a threat to the rest of society. Service users are often not aware that they are being assessed in this way. The fact that staff might consider users to be a risk to others however, could have serious implications for that person’s future. Dilemmas and Conflicts It is not always easy working with people with mental health problems. A social worker may undertake an assessment and then find that the client does not want the help that is on offer. This really can be problematic as the legislation implies that local authorities must make an assessment of needs once mental health problems or disability have been identified. This further implies that they will produce a care package to address those needs. If a client refuses to allow a social worker entry then they are not able to do their job and undertake an assessment or provide services as required by the legal framework. If an assessment is made then the social worker has to try and identify areas where family and friends can help the person. When such arrangements break down and there are no alternatives in place then problems may arise. Thus a person who may previously have been assessed as being able to remain in their own home may later have a need for either supported living (particular ly in the case of people with mental health problems or learning disability) or for residential care. If a person is deemed unfit to live alone or is a problem to others then the social worker has a duty to call in the medical officer of health who then has to obtain an order from the magistrates court. Removal to residential accommodation then involves the social worker in another set of rules as to how the accommodation is financed. This is also pertinent to regular inspection of such accommodation and other welfare services that the client is entitled to. Clearly there are a growing number of legal and policy requirements that a social worker must adhere to when dealing with specific client groups. Mental health is an increasingly problematic area because new regulations are coming up all the time and the wording is not always clear or precise. This means that the social worker’s job can be a minefield as they try to adhere to the needs and wishes of the client and yet remain within the legislative framework. Factors that Promote and Limit Service User Involvement in Decision Making Current debates on the needs and rights of services users show that although there has been a move to ensure individual’s rights to equality of service, some service users still face discrimination. Under these circumstances it is vital that power imbalances between service users and professionals be acknowledged and the contributing factors addressed. Once they come to such an acknowledgement the parties can then work together to minimalise any factors that contribute to the marginalisation and exclusion of some service users (Carr, 2004). Some of these issues might include the fact that there is still a tendency for some professionals to ignore service users’ views or to at least misinterpret them. This means that instead of being enabled through greater user participation, service users may end up feeling further disempowered. Institutional barriers have to be overcome, and the continuing use of professional jargon can also serve to exclude service users from the dec ision making process. Carr (2004) found that service users often saw such gaps as a disempowering and exclusionary factor, but, once aware of this fact, most professionals were more than happy to try to modify their language in order to encourage greater service user participation. It is sometimes very difficult for people with mental health problems to communicate their needs in a way that is fully understood by the professionals trying to assess them. There is a need for different models and levels of participation depending on the service user’s circumstances. Some service users will be so empowered by participation that they will go on to be involved in how services are delivered, still others are not able to be truly involved at any recognisable level without the intervention of a third person. Thus advocacy is an important element of lower levels of service user participation. An advocate can help to empower people because service users will then have someone who is impartial, who can inform them as to what is available in terms of services and support and who will promote their best interests among other professionals and make sure that their wishes are made known. Carr (2004) notes that the service user movement has been instrumental in promoting the rights of people’s entitlement to as ordinary way of life as is possible. People with mental health problems may have multiple and complex needs, nevertheless under the 1998 Human Rights Act, they are entitled to be treated with dignity and local authorities have a duty to abide by the requirements of this Act (Moore, 2002). Conclusion Ethical and effective social work should involve a thorough assessment of the needs of users with mental health problems and a care package that takes their problems and wishes into account. This should be tailored to suit an individual’s needs and there should be room for changes and adjustments if the care package is not to become an imposition (Kerr et al, 2005). Where a person is not fully cognisant of what is happening then anti-oppressive practice should involve the use of an entirely independent advocate. Effective social work is client centred and this is achieved through the social worker’s own reflective practice. If criticisms and accusations of prejudicial attitudes are to be avoided then it might be argued that advocacy, coupled with reflexive and effective social work practice should bring an end to service user disempowerment and become one that assesses need and manages risk in a way that is beneficial for both users and professionals. Bibliography Brayne and Martin 6th ed. 1999 Law for Social Workers London, Blackstone Press Carr, S. 2004 Has Service User Participation Made a Difference to Social Care Services? London, SCIE Department of Health (2002b) Information Strategy for Older People (ISOP) in England. London: Department of Health Dunning, A. 2005 Information, Advice and Advocacy for Older People York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Langow and Lindow. 2004. â€Å"Mental health service users and their involvement in risk assessment and management†Findings, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Leason, K. 2005 â€Å"Fear and freedom†Community Care April 14th 2005 p. 32-34 Moore, S. 2002 3rd Edition Social Welfare Alive Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes Ruch, G. 2000 â€Å"Self and social work: Towards an integrated model of learning†Journal of Social Work Practice Volume 14, no. 2 November 1st 2000 Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Is the Government doing the right thing? :: essays research papers
Is the Government doing the right thing? The statement made by Honorable Jess A. Helms seems to be pretty clear when he says that the government, instead of giving sources to save the country, is actually providing freedom for crime rates to increase. â€Å"You can stand on the Capitol steps and almost throw a rock into neighborhoods where you cannot walk at night because of the violence that takes place nightly†(Helms 1). From this statement it is possible to understand why Helms is criticizing the government politics that are only spending money to combat violence, instead of spending money to prevent it. So as a possible solution for the violence problem, Helms defends the reinstitution of the prayer in public schools. He finds support for it on three main arguments: first is the fact that the government is spending huge amounts of money and it is not solving the violence problem; second because people agree with it and actually want it back to schools, and finally because the freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution. Throughout his arguments becomes to see that instead of spending that amount of money to combat the crime, it is cheaper and better effective to use God and religion as a weapon against violence. Honorable Helms criticize the fact that since he got into US Senate a lot of money have been spent on violence combat, specially on motions described by the term â€Å"crime bills after crime bills†(Helms 1). He criticizes this attitude because it is not been efficient, since The United States has right now a higher crime rate than ever. â€Å"†¦ we have been passing crime bill after crime bill almost since I came here in 1973. And what has been the result?†(Helms 1). Helms also believes that the senators are feeling that their job is done. They think that they â€Å"†¦really took care of it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Helms 1), but the real fact is that crime rates are still going up, what proves that their job is not even close to be done. It is time to start looking for different alternatives to solve the problem. Seeing that all the money spent on the direct combat of crime is not working as well as expected, Helms starts to analyze a different approach to solve the problem. Seeking for the right move Helms find a possible solution on the article published by Reader’s Digest called â€Å"Let Us Pray†that defends the reinstitution of prayer classes to public schools.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Enron Versus Bombay Politicians Essay
On August 3,1995, the Maharashtra state government of India, dominated by the nationalist right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP), abruptly canceled Enron’s $2.9 billion power project in Dabhol, located south of Bombay, the industrial heartland of India. This came as a huge blow to Rebecca P. Mark, the chairman and chief executive of Enron’s international power unit, who spearheaded the Houston-based energy giant’s international investment drive. Upon the news release, Enron’s share price fell immediately by about 10 percent to $33.5. Mark sprang to action to resuscitate the deal with the Maharashtra state, promising concessions. This effort, however, was met with scorn from BJP politicians. Enron’s Dabhol debacle cast a serious doubt on the company’s aggressive global expansion strategy, involving some $10 billion in projects in power plants and pipelines spanning across Asia, South America, and Middle East Enron became involved in the projec t in 1992 when the new reformist government of the Congress Party (1), led by Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, was keen on attracting foreign investment in infrastructure. After meeting with the Indian government officials visiting Houston in May, Enron dispatched executives to Indian to hammer out a â€Å"memorandum of understanding â€Å"in just 10 days to build a massive 2,015-megawatt Dabhol power complex. New Delhi placed the project on a fast track and awarded it to Enron without competitive bidding. Subsequently, the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) agreed to buy 90 percent of the power Dabhol produces. Tow other U. S. companies, General Electric GE) and Bechtel Group, agreed to join Enron as parents for the Dabhol project. In the process of structuring the deal, Enron made a profound political miscalculation: It did not seriously take into consideration a rising backlash against foreign investments by an opposition coalition led by the BJP. During the state election campaign in early 1995, the BJP called for a reevaluation of the Enron project. Jay Dubashi, the BJP’s economic advisor ,said that the BJP would review all foreig n investments already in India, and â€Å"If it turns out that we have to ask them to go ,then we’ll ask them to go.†Instead of waiting for the election results, Enron rushed to close the deal and began construction, apparently believing that a new government would find it difficult to unwind the deal when construction was already under way. Enron was not very concerned with local political sentiments. Enron fought to keep the contract details confidential, but a successful lawsuit by a Bombay consumer group forced the company to reveal the details: Enron would receive 7.4 cents per kilowatt-hour from MSER and Enron’s rate of return would be 23 percent, far higher than 16 percent over the capital cost that the Indian government guaranteed to others. Critics cited the disclosure as proof that Enron had exaggerated project costs to begin with and that the deal might have involved corruption. The BJP won the 1995 election in Maharashtra state and fulfilled its promise. Manohar Joshi, the newly elected chief minister of Maharashtra, who campaigned on a pledge to â€Å"drive Enron into the se a,†promptly canceled the project, citing inflated project costs and too high electricity rates. This pledge played well with Indian voters with visceral distrust of foreign companies since the British colonial era. (It helps to recall that India was first colonized by a foreign company, the British East India Company.) By the time the project was canceled, Enron already had invested some $300 million. Officials of the Congress Party who championed the Dabhol in the first place did not come to rescue of the project. The BJP criticized the Congress Party, rightly or wrongly, for being too corrupt to reform the economy and too cozy with business interests. In an effort to pressure Maharashtra to reverse its decision, Enron â€Å"pushed like hell â€Å" the U.S. Energy Department to make a statement in June 1995 to the effect that canceling the Enron deal could adversely affect other power projects. The Statement only compounded the situation. The BJP politicians immediately criticized the statement as an attempt by Washington to build India. After months of nasty exchanges and lawsuits, Enron and Maharashtra negotiators agreed to revive the Dabhol project. The new deal requires that Enron cut the project’s cost from $2.9 billion to $2.5 billion , lower the proposed electricity rates , and mak e a state-owned utility a new percent partner of the project. A satisfied Joshi, the chief minister, stated:†Maharashtra has gained tremendously by this decision.†Enron needed to make a major concession to demonstrate that its global power projects are still on track. The new deal led Enron to withdraw a lawsuit seeking $500 billion in damages from Maharashtra for the cancellation of the Dabhol project Please write a two-page essay to discuss the following points. 1. Discuss the chief mistake that Enron made in Indian 2. Discuss what Enron might have done differently to avoid its predicament in India. You can look through the mini case and also search the related materials online in order to prepare the essay, but be sure to specify the information sources in the end of essay.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Hunger Games Essay plan
Introduction:Using your notes write an introduction in which you: Mention the title, director, year of release, where it was set. Clarify what the genre is, explaining exactly what this means. Name and briefly describe the main protagonist in a single sentence. Provide a plot summary.Do not write openings such as ‘I am going to talk about†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Always write in the third person in a CELEXAMPLE: ‘The director, Gary Ross, uses many film techniques to convey the themes of†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(only write the themes in the introduction that you are analysing in your essay). ‘The Hunger Games’ is an American science fiction film set in the futuristic, dystopian society of Panem.Paragraph oneTheme: Oppression -To treat cruelly or unjustly. The Capitol people treat the people from the Districts in a cruel and unjust way. Using your notes the blog , describe in detail, using the PEAR structure how the setting, sound, symbolism, mannerisms, camera angles/shots, and c ostume help to convey the oppression suffered by the people in the districts . The opening scenes has good examples of the oppression suffered by the people of the Districts:Scene 1: District 12 Scene 2: Happy Hunger Games (Katniss and Gale in the woods) Scene 3: Check in (at ‘The Reaping’) Example:1.Aerial shot to emphasise their vulnerability. 2. Sound of bells tolling highlights their imminent death 3. Signify animals being herded – ‘Like lambs to the slaughter’Paragraph 2 Theme: Oppression Using the PEAR structure, explain how the people of ‘The Capitol’ have a different life style to the people in the Districts. Contrast the Capitol with District 12 by looking at the mise-en-scene (costume, mannerism, movement, sound, objects, colour and setting).Example:In ’The Hunger Games’ the director employs sound to convey (try to use different words for each topic sentence) the theme of oppression to the audience. As the chil dren walk towards ‘The Reaping’, there is an ominous, non-diegetic, sound in the background that echoes the sound of a bell tolling. The sound of a bell tolling is symbolic of death and is often heard when someone has died. The director uses an aerial shot showing the children walking to further convey the theme of oppression. An aerial shot makes the character look small therefore it makes them appear vulnerable. The ominous sound coupled with the aerial shot of the children, makes them appear like animals being herded which echoes the saying ‘lambs to the slaughter’. The fact that the people of the Capitol do not have to attend ‘The Reaping’ makes the treatment of the District people all the more unfair and unjustParagraph 3Theme: Oppression Using the PEAR structure, further explain the theme of oppression by exploring how the Capitol people have so much more in terms of possessions and technology and how this changes how they live their live s. Contrast the costume, mannerisms, setting, colours.The technology used in the games, computer generated animals, ‘magic medicine’, 200mph trains etc†¦ Example:Example: What is of value in ‘The Hob’ (District 12’s illegal market place) would be laughed at in ‘The Capitol’ . The buttons are of little value but there is little else to sell. The mise-en-scene is in stark contrast to the social areas in the Capitol. Look at the colour, mannerisms – toy sword emulates the brutality of the games.Paragraph four Theme: Power. Explain who has the power in Panem. President Snow is a Totalitarian ruler Totalitarianism: Is a political system where the state (Of which President Snow has total control over everything and everyone)holds total authority over society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life.Example: Think about the propaganda video shown during ‘The Reaping’. How is this similar to those show n in ‘1984’? How are the crowd reacting compared to Effie Trinket? What is being said at this point? Do the people of the districts feel the peace that President Snow proclaims. Look at the blog as there is some useful information about HOPE. Paragraph Five:Theme: Power. Using the PEAR structure, discuss How Katniss begins to affect the power balance in ‘The Capitol’ ? There’s information on the blog about the theme of power and a video clip which will give you a better understanding of Katniss’s role in upsetting the balance.Exa mple: Katniss’s relationship with Rue, and Peeta upsets the balance. The usual collaborations in the Hunger Games are about maximum power for killing the other tributes. Rue’s death scene and the way Katniss treats Rue with respect, and in turn District 11 that becomes the catalyst (somebody or someone that makes a change happen) for change.The ‘berry’ scene at the end is very powerful.Parag raph six Theme: Appearance versus reality (what is real? and what is only appearance?) Using the PEAR structure, look at how the director uses techniques to show us how Katniss has to change to stay alive in ‘Hunger Games’Exa mple: Creation of ‘the Star-Crossed lovers’ to stay alive and receive sponsors Creation of ‘The Girl On Fire’ – Why did Cinna want to cause such a spectacle in the crowd? Paragraph seven Theme: Appearance versus reality Using the PEAR structure discuss how the Hunger Games appears as a Game show to the people of the Capitol, when in reality it is about the brutal murder of 23 children from the districts. It is not a game, it is real life. But, like Effie Trinkett, the people of the Capitol, with the exception of Cinna (Katniss’s designer), have no idea what the people go through and do not care, as long as they live in comfort and with an abundance of food, clothing and other such luxuriesExa mple: The Camera shows us the gambling odds for the tributes focusing on Rue and Thresh from District 11. It then cuts to these pampered children of the Capitol, so we notice the difference between how they are treated. It cuts to a medium-close-up (MCU) of Haymitch watching them and we get his POV (point-of-view)shot of him watching them. His look is of total disdain at the unfairness of the situation. Mention that it is a reality TV show filmed both to control and punish (to keep them oppressed without any power) the districts, whilst entertaining ‘The Capitol’. They gamble because it is fun!Conclusion Once you have completed your introduction and analysis paragraphs, it is important that you write a conclusion to your critical essay. This is the final paragraph where you discuss how the director, Gary Ross, uses various film techniques to convey the themes in the film ‘The Hunger Games’ (list what techniques you have used in your essay overall. For example: sound, setti ng, camera angles/shots/movement, editing, colour etc).The conclusion repeats some of the information from the introduction such as: the key words of the task, the director’s name, the title of the film and then go on to discuss how the film as a whole, conveys the themes you have discussed in your essay. You summarise your main arguments and say how they, as a whole, answer your question.
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