Saturday, December 28, 2019
Change in Roman Fever by Edith Wharton Essay - 1956 Words
Change in Roman Fever by Edith Wharton Chance (or coincidence) has an ambiguous role in the outcome of different situations; it can work in or against one’s favour. As in real life, chance in literature has considerable influence on the circumstances of the characters and where those circumstances lead. In two particular literary works, Roman Fever and A Small, Good Thing, chance happenings have grave results on the lives of the characters concerned. In Roman Fever, old friends meet by chance and reveal disturbing secrets about the past; while in A Small, Good Thing a boy is injured on his birthday placing his parents in a desperate situation. Although chance generally seems to go unnoticedâ€â€a spontaneous purchase of candles,†¦show more content†¦The two old friends had not seen each other in years, but met again in a hotel in Rome where they were both vacationing with their respective daughters. Naturally, it seems, the two daughters develop a friendship. Such occurrences would otherwise be unfathomable if it was not for the precise meaning of chance; the unpredictable element in happenings that cannot be assigned a cause (Hougton Mifflin, 2000). Chance provides an understanding, not an explanation, and, hence, an acceptance of such occurrences. The chance meeting of these two old friends sets the stage for the revelation of secrets that were also influenced by the unexpected. Knowing that Grace had romantic interest in her then fiancà ©, Mr. Delphin Slade, Alida writes a letter posing as Delphin inviting Grace to meet him after dark in the Coloseum. Alida had simply intended for her dear friend Grace to catch the roman fever and disappear for a few weeks until â€Å"[she] was sure of [Delphin],†(Wharton, 91). However, it was also revealed that the unexpected happened and Grace replied to the letter saying she would be there. Thus, Delphin arranged for the meeting to take place. Whether irony or bad luck, Mrs. Slade had blindly provided her fiancà © with the opportunity to have an affair, one he gratefully accepted. If Grace had not replied to the letter, if, in fact, Alida had considered the possibility of herShow MoreRelatedEssay on Roman Fever623 Words  | 3 PagesRoman Fever Roman Fever is an outstanding example of Edith Whartons theme to express the subtle nuances of formal upper class society that cause change underneath the pretense of stability. Wharton studied what actually made their common society tick, paying attention to unspoken signals, the histories of relationships, and seemingly coincidental parallels. All of these factors contribute to the strength and validity of the story of Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley. Roman Fever at firstRead MoreEdith Wharton s Roman Fever1251 Words  | 6 Pagesaccountable. This philosophy is seen in Edith Wharton’s short story â€Å"Roman Fever†by her characters Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley as they argue about a letter and an affair in the duration of the story. Wharton’s main characters are on opposing sides of the philosophy of determinism, with Mrs. Slade representing determinism and Mrs. Ansley representing free will, respectively and each effectively showing Wharton’s disagreement to determinism. In â€Å" Roman Fever†, Mrs. Slade represented determinism inRead MoreRoman Fever Analysis724 Words  | 3 Pages Roman Fever, by Edith Wharton, is an outstanding example of Whartons theme to express the subtle nuances of formal upper class society that cause change underneath the pretense of stability. Wharton studied what actually made their common society tick, paying attention to unspoken signals, the histories of relationships, and seemingly coincidental parallels. All of these factors contribute to the strength and validity of the story of Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley. Roman Fever at first strikes theRead MoreCharacterization From Roman Fever Essay952 Words  | 4 PagesCharacterization from â€Å"Roman Fever†The wicked witch, the stepmother, the damsel in distress, the fair maiden, the prince. All these stock characters are well known. Flat and shallow, they are only either evil, repressive, distressed, fair, or kind. They are known because they are seen everywhere. But what do they teach or show about human nature. Do these â€Å"people†make provoke thought or do they fill a role for a plot? Emphasizing who they are, not what they do, â€Å"literary fiction writers areRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edith Wharton s Roman Fever And F. Scott Fitzgerald s Babylon Revisited Essay1315 Words  | 6 PagesPaper People have a strange way of dealing with conflict. People use deceit, manipulation and even other people as a way of creating conflict. The same way these things happen in real life, the same happens with characters in literature. In Edith Wharton’s â€Å"Roman Fever and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s â€Å"Babylon Revisited†, characters do the strange thing of using their own children as a way of pushing other others into their past, a method to hurt them. Here we will observe the roles of children in each storyRead MoreAn Analysis of Edith Whartons Short Story Roman Fever876 Words  | 4 Pages Edith Whartons short story Roman Fever deals with betrayal, deception, and feelings of resentment as it describes the lives of two women who have trouble achieving their goals and attempt to blame each-other for their apparent unhappiness. The story is intriguing because it influences readers into thinking that it actually deals with sentiments like nostalgia and problems emerging as a result of middle-aged conditions. However, one is likely to observe that it wants to put across more complexRead MoreThe Naturalism Movement, Much Like Its Companion Movement1201 Words  | 5 Pagescome more â€Å"comprehensible to middle class readers†(11). The Naturalist writers that we have read all conformed to these aforementioned guidelines, but they also all seem to have this underlying theme- the need for friendship for survival. Edith Wharton’s â€Å"Roman Fever,†Stephen Crane’s â€Å"The Open Boat,†and Jack London’s â€Å"To Build a Fire†are very different stories that even have differing classes within it, but they all are friendship-conscious; these naturalist writers seem to be saying that in orderRead MoreThe Use of Ambiguity in the Story, Roman Fever by Edith Warton1273 Words  | 5 Pageswhat is just on the surface. In the story Roman Fever, by Edith Warton, ambiguity is very evident in many aspects of the story. Throughout the story there are many ambiguous moments however, in my opinion the most ambiguous moment happens in the last sentence of the story. I believe it is the most powerful statement in the whole story, and can change the whole meaning of the story. In the last line of the story Mrs. Ansley states, I had Barbara  ( 634 Wharton). These three simple words make the wholeRead MoreRoman Fever and Hills Like White Elephants Essay2110 Words  | 9 Pagesprocess of carefully developing their unique characters and through point of view, both Edith Wharton and Ernest Hemingway ultimately conve y the significant revelation in the short stories, â€Å"Roman Fever†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†respectively. The use of these two literary techniques is essential because they provide the readers with the necessary clues to realize the ultimate revelations. â€Å"Roman Fever†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†are two stories that on surface seem very different fromRead MoreNaturalism As A Literary Genre1367 Words  | 6 PagesNaturalistic writers had the belief that one’s heredity and social environment determine, the character and influence behavior. Frank Norris, an American novelist brought these beliefs and ideas into America at a time that America was going through many changes as a country. This belief influenced many famous American novelists in their own writings at a time when many believed naturalism was beginning to take a drop in popularity (Palmisano). Consequently, instead of dwindling away American novelists turned
Friday, December 20, 2019
Susan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers - 1174 Words
A Jury of Her Peers is a short story written by Susan Glaspell in 1917 and follows the investigation of the murder of John Wright, with his wife Minnie Wright being the alleged murderer. Martha and Lewis Hale assist Sheriff Peters and his wife, Mrs. Peters, with investigating the scene of the crime. Throughout the story, women notice significance in their findings, of which the men overlook. The men have a dismissive attitude towards the women, ignoring their contributions. When the women solve the crime in the end, they do not inform the men of the evidence found, which prevents any conviction. In her short story, A Jury of Her Peers, Susan Glaspell conveys a feminist theme of women being oppressed under male domination and gender roles. She expresses this through the use of irony, symbolism, and characterization. First, Glaspell makes effective use of irony to display the oppression of women and gender roles. During this time period, women had little to no power and they were cons idered unintelligent-- only being able to cook, clean, sew, et cetera. While investigating the scene, the men belittle the women, deeming them to be too unintelligent to provide anything practical to the investigation. Mr. Hale declared, Would the women know a clue if they did come upon it? (Glaspell 370). This statement is ironic, because in the end of the story, the women are the ones who discover the clues that lead them to solving the crime, not the men. Not only do the womenShow MoreRelatedSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers1408 Words  | 6 PagesGrowing up in Iowa in the 1800s and 1900s, Susan Glaspell took inspiration for many of her stories from personal experiences. As a former courthouse reporter herself, Glaspell’s short story â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†is based largely on her involvement with a murder case and a kitchen she recalled investigating. â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers,†a rendition of her early play, Trifles, focuses on the homicide of an a busive husband by his wife. While the men investigating the case overlook the various signs of abuseRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers995 Words  | 4 Pagesprominent theme in the 1900’s, during a time when women were often treated as second class citizens to men. Susan Glaspell wrote the play â€Å"Trifles,†in 1916, which portrayed how women’s lives were seen as less significant throughout American society. The following year, Glaspell wrote the short story â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers,†which was essentially a longer and more detailed version of â€Å"Trifles.†The stories are alike in many societal implications, since â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†was based off of â€Å"TriflesRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers Essay982 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†by Susan Glaspell is now known as a feminist classic. Susan Glaspell first published the play â€Å"Trifles†in 1916 and was adapted to th e short story â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†in 1917. The story was rediscovered in the early 1970s, since then it has been reprinted into textbooks and anthologies. It is said that while Glaspell was working as a reporter she was inspired to write â€Å"Trifles†and â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers.†The stories are inspired by a real murder case she was covering. TheRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers999 Words  | 4 PagesFrom beginning to end, Susan Glaspell’s 1917 short story â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers,†has several repetitive patterns and symbols that help the reader gain a profound understanding of how hard life is for women at the turn-of-the-century, as well as the bonds women share. In the story two women go with their husbands and county attorney to a remote house where Mr. Wright has been killed in his bed with a rope and he suspect is Minnie, his wife. Early in the story, Mrs. Hale sympathizes with Minnie andRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Jury Of Her Peers1841 Words  | 8 PagesName: ZaZa Horton Professor: Leblanc Course: Anicent Woman in Greece 20 April 2015 Susan Glaspell’s â€Å"Jury of Her Peers†â€Å"Jury of Her Peers†is a short story that revolves around the strange death of john wright. It is a piece of work that exposes sexism on women. Women have been categorized for some time now based on their gender and not on ability and skills. They have always fell at the short end of the stick when compare against men. Nevertheless, there were many similarities as well asRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers878 Words  | 4 Pages In â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers,†Susan Glaspell crafts an intricate portrayal of these differences, but also provides a closer look at interpersonal relationships in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as how one’s atmosphere may affect the mind. Glaspell’s commentary is clear regarding the standing of men and women of the time, with the male characters being in positions of duty and respect, and the female characters being in positions of maintenance. These choices made by Glaspell allow theRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers Essay1164 Words  | 5 PagesSusan Glaspell was a prolific author, playwright, journalist and novelist in the early 1900s. Early in her career as a reporter she wrote many articles including the newspaper coverage of a murder trial known as the Hossack Case when she worked for The Des Moines Daily News in Des Moines, Iowa. This murder trial was a much publicized event in which a woman, Margaret Hossack, was accused of murdering her prosperous husband on the couple’s farm in Des Moines. In these newspaper articles dated fromRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers Essay1789 Words  | 8 Pagesdefined as the treatment of someone or something with due fairness, but the fa irness of a situation is often seen differently, depending upon the viewer. In Susan Glaspell’s, A Jury of Her Peers, the idea of who is capable to fairly judge a person, and therefore serve justice, is examined through the arrest of Mrs. Minnie Wright for the murder of her husband. As the sheriff and others go to the Wrights’ house, the suggestion is made that those empowered by law to cast judgement and those with an understandingRead MoreSusan Glaspell s `` The Yellow Wallpaper `` And A Jury Of Her Peers ``2004 Words  | 9 Pagesof mankind. Women, in particular, fight for fairness even in today’s society. This everlasting battle can be seen in both â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†by Susan Glaspell. Gilman’s story revolves around a woman who has postpartum depression. Her husband, who is also her physician, uses isolation to try and heal his wife’s â€Å"nervous disea se.†Glaspell’s story, on the other hand, describes the murder of a man, with his wife being the prime suspect. Read MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles And A Jury Of Her Peers984 Words  | 4 PagesAlthough â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†and â€Å"Trifles†are similar in plot, Mustazza’s article, â€Å"Generic Translation and Thematic Shift in Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ and ‘A Jury of Her Peers’†highlights the differences and similarities between the two. Mustazza’s article may help aid readers to understand the differences between Glaspell’s two works and provide understanding as to why Glaspell may have changed the genre and form of the plot. â€Å"Trifles†is a dramatic play whereas â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†is prose
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Effective Communication Reflection free essay sample
Effective communication is undoubtedly an important module in the course of study in NTU. Studies done over the years have concluded that two of the most important skills, regardless of professions, are oral communication skills and interpersonal abilities. As such, I would like to reflect on a very crucial skill, public speaking. The first part of public speaking would be the preparation; planning a speech. The PAC-SSS model would prove to be useful in this task. The purpose chosen should not be too general. The profile of the audience, as well as the interests and needs, should also be taken into account. The substance should be tailored such that it is suitable for the audience. A formal and standard language as well as an appropriate tone should be adopted in the speech. Complex sentences should be avoided as they are more difficult for audience to follow. A fail-safe structure to follow would be ‘Tell them what you are going to say’, followed by ‘Say it’, and ending with ‘Tell them what you have just said’. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Communication Reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The next part of public speaking would be the delivery of the actual speech. The 7%-38%-55% Rule by Albert Mehrabian, currently Professor Emeritus of Psychology, UCLA, states that in human communications, verbal words accounts for only 7% of the message, whereas vocal tone accounts for 38% and visual effects accounts for 55%! Body motions, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gesture and posture, cannot be neglected in a presentation. Paralanguage, accounting for vocal characteristics and vocal interferences, is also an important aspect of a presentation. All these skills learnt in this module are crucial to me not only in the future, but also right now. Firstly, on a daily basis, being able to communicate effectively and speak convincingly will impact my life significantly. For example, being able to speak convincingly would help me gain the confidence of others with ease. Secondly, it will also aid possible presentations in school in the near future. Last but most importantly, it will be the number one skill needed at work. Lee Lacocca once said, â€Å"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your brains won’t get you anywhere. †Effective communication is a lifelong skill.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Does God Exist 2 free essay sample
Does God Exist? # 8211 ; Aquinas Essay, Research Paper Does God Exist? Since the beginning of clip, adult male has been fighting to reply the inquiry, how did we acquire here? What or who was responsible for the creative activity of life and the universe? It seemed natural to reason that at that place must hold been a higher power that created the world known by adult male. However, how does one turn out the being of such a God? This has been the major preoccupation of theologists and philosophers which began several hundred old ages before Jesus Christ, and has continued to be the topic of het argument of all time since. We readily accept the existence and everything contained within it, but can # 8217 ; t seem to hold upon how it got here in the first topographic point. After all, saying that God exists and so really turn outing His being are two different things, and the latter can turn out to be a instead dashing undertaking. Most early philosophers maintained that God most surely did be and attempted to utilize scientific statements to turn out their point. However, possibly the most quoted philosopher on the absolute being of God is non a scientist, but instead, possibly more suitably, a theologist. St. Thomas Aquinas was a pupil of doctrine and was influential in integrating doctrine into the spiritual philosophy, which provides the foundation for the contemporary Roman Catholic spiritual beliefs. Saint thomass examined the inquiry of God # 8217 ; s being in great item in his philosophical plants, Summa Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles. He wrote, # 8220 ; Get downing with reasonable things, our mind is led to the point of cognizing about God that He exists, and other such features that must be attributed to the First Principle # 8221 ; . Aquinas had the typical philosopher outlook by asseverating that it can non be merely simply accepted that God exists, since this contention is non instantly evident. It is a declaration that must be proven. In other words, religion entirely is non sufficient adequate grounds to reason that God exists. Aquinas pointed out that what may be conceived in the mind does non needfully exists in world ( Grace, 1996 ) . To do his ain instance sing this issue, Aquinas established his five standards on the being of God through Summa Theologica, the first three of which became known signifier the footing of the cosmogonic statement corroborating God # 8217 ; s being. The five ways Aquinas used to corroborate the being of God all stemmed from a first cause statement. In other words, life perpetuates itself as one cause prompts the happening of an event that becomes the cause for a subsequent event and so on through eternity. However, at some point, there had to be a first cause, which set these wheels into gesture, which is the being normally referred to as God. In the First Way, Aquinas established that everything that is finite undergoes alteration, and by following these consecutive alterations, finite adult male is finally led to God. Until this happens, finite objects can non be changed. Aquinas # 8217 ; Second Way is based upon the theory of causality, which is a elaborate account of how the foremost cause is the lone account for continual # 8220 ; cause and consequence # 8221 ; of the existence. Following, Aquinas established the standards of a # 8216 ; necessity # 8217 ; of being. In other words, something can non come from nil. There had to be a transeunt being in topographic point for all being to germinate. He wrote, # 8220 ; We discovery in nature things that are possible to be and non to be # 8230 ; . But it is impossible for these things to ever be, for that which is possible non to be at some clip is non. Therefore, if everything is possible non to be, so at one clip there could hold been nil in existence. # 8221 ; In other words, if there were no being historically, nil would be at the present clip. Since being is non in inquiry today, there must hold been an ageless being that started it all # 8211 ; God. By the 19th century, philosophers were non rather so content to blindly accept the being of God. Certain incredulity began to predominate, and this was reflected in the doctrine of the clip period. Possibly one of the most articulate spokesmen who argued against the being of God was British philosopher David Hume, the laminitis of the # 8217 ; disbelieving school of philosophy. # 8217 ; He openly criticized Aquinas # 8217 ; # 8220 ; foremost do # 8221 ; theory as an uneffective statement, inquiring, # 8220 ; What was the cause of the First Cause? # 8221 ; . He and others pointed out, rather justly, if every happening must hold a cause, what makes anyone conclude that it began with God? There has neer been a valid statement set uping God as the # 8216 ; First Cause # 8217 ; harmonizing to David Hume. Of class, it should possibly be pointed out that oppositions of Hume have taken the theological # 8220 ; high route, # 8221 ; keeping that it is assumed that in the moral order, everything Begins with God, and this is a procedure that is beyond inquiry. Furthermore, harmonizing to Hume, Aquinas # 8217 ; statement is philosophically flawed because he makes the premise that the features of the parts equal the features of the whole. In other words, merely because some effects in the existence may be attributed to a cause does non intend that the full existence can be traced to one root cause. After all, if God is the cause of the existence, this means that God is a cause onto Himself. Why can # 8217 ; t the creative activity of the universe be explained in similar footings? Staying ever the skeptic, Hume # 8217 ; s argument Michigans short of claiming that God does non be, which would be godlessness. Rather, he regarded his undertaking as projecting sensible uncertainty as to whether or non God exists, which is agnosticism. David Hume farther expounded on his unconventional spiritual doctrine in his 1757 essay, The Natural History of Religion. He suggested that people continued to believe in the being of God because they were conditioned to make so. Hume wrote: Our ascendants in Europe, before the resurgence of letters, believed, as we do at nowadays, that there was one supreme God, the writer of nature, whose power, though in itself unmanageable, was yet frequently exerted by the interjection of his angels and subsidiary curates, who executed his sacred intents. But they besides believed, that all nature was full of other unseeable powers, faeries, hobs, elves, sprits, existences, stronger and mightier than work forces, but much inferior to the heavenly natures, who surround the throne of God. Hume # 8217 ; s deduction is clear: If adult male did non believe in the being of God, he would incur considerable wrath from above. Hume continued by asseverating that literature had much to make with public perceptual experience of God and of His being. Ancient Greek poets bestowed upon their honored Gods homo qualities they knew their compatriots could easy associate to. It was this # 8216 ; nescient # 8217 ; ancient Greek position of God offered by the Grecian poets and Aristotle, upon which the God # 8217 ; s existence theory of Thomas Aquinas was based. Hume asserted that the original religion placed in God # 8217 ; s being grew from the uneducated multitudes that developed the myth of an almighty Perfect Being who was responsible for the creative activity of everything that could non be explained. These people could non explicate such natural phenomenons as lightning or temblors so they attributed them to some higher power. Today there are empirical, scientific accounts for these happenings. The possibility exists that someday scientific discipline will someway be able to turn out or confute the theory that God exists. With both points of position presented, which, if either, is right? Aquinas # 8217 ; statement, an admirable theoretical account of deductive logical thinking, is missing in scientific cogency. Hume argued, possibly right, that this historical description of a natural and moral order merely grew from adult male # 8217 ; s want to populate an ordered being, non from God # 8217 ; s being. Peoples will everlastingly be reasoning around their dinner tabular arraies about the being of God. Many take comfort in the belief that there is one Godhead who still exists in the existence, a perfect being who watches out for His # 8216 ; imperfect # 8217 ; kids. However, the statement that God exists because he was the # 8216 ; First Cause # 8217 ; of everything is excessively simplistic for the sophisticated mind to accept. It may be spiritually soothing to believe in the being of a higher power, but there is no incontrovertible grounds to propose that God was # 8216 ; the cause # 8217 ; of everything, therefore turn outing His being. As we approach the new millenary, incredulity prevails and continues to reign supreme. Grace, R. Jeffrey. A Report on Summa Contra Gentiles Book One: God by Thomas Aquinas [ Online ] . October 1996. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Hume, David. The Natural History of Religion [ Online ] . 1757. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Porter, Burton F. ( editor ) . Religion A ; Reason: An Anthology. New York: St. Martin # 8217 ; s Press, Inc. , 1993. Stairs, Allen. The Cosmologic Argument [ Online ] . March 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Titus, Harold H. , and Smith, Marilyn S. Living Issues in Philosophy ( Sixth Edition ) . New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1974. Thompson, Karl F. ( editor ) . Thomas Aquinas # 8217 ; Summa Contra Gentiles. Classicss of Western Thought: II. Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
A New Ending to the Lord of the Flies free essay sample
Instead of coming at me, like I thought he would he ran the opposite direction and started screaming at the top of his lungs. By now the fire was out of control; it was racing down the mountain side, faster than fast. I started to run again, this time I was running toward the beach. â€Å"I need to get the littluns to safety†I said to myself. I ran and ran to the beach and went to grab the conch were it should have been; but I stopped myself. The conch is gone just like Piggy. Shattered, into a million pieces. I fell to the ground with exhaustion and grief. I could feel the heat of the fire coming nearer and nearer. As Jacks hunters came closer to me I heard them chanting a different chant. I could have sworn that I hear Jack screaming in pain. We will write a custom essay sample on A New Ending to the Lord of the Flies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Someone burst out of the trees, screaming in pain. â€Å"Jack,†I said to myself as I looked to see if I was right. Sure enough I was right, but this was worse than I imagined, he was on fire! Half of his body was burnt. He looked at me with a sad, hurt look. He ran past me and jumped into the ocean. Jack never resurfaced, and I wasn’t about to go and get him. I heard more screaming behind me. I knew they were coming after me so I ducked down and tried to not move. Maybe they won’t notice me. It must have been ten minutes before I heard any noise coming out of the forest. But as everyone gathered around me it became silent. â€Å"Is everything all right? †I heard a somewhat familiar voice say. I looked up to see who was talking. I started to talk, but as I saw who it was my mouth just stayed open. â€Å"Dad? †I said in unbelief. â€Å"I knew it. †I yelled as I got up and ran to him. He stared as if I was dead. Maybe I am dead and this is all a dream. As I jumped in to his arms I was assured that I was alive when he caught me. He whispered in my ear. â€Å"Ralph? Is that you? †â€Å"YES! †I yelled â€Å"it is me! †I said more quietly. I started to cry out of relief. Dad started to cry too. â€Å"I thought you were dead! †he said barely above a whisper. â€Å"Well, how many of you are there? †he asked getting up and putting me down. â€Å"Um, I really don’t know. There are a few kids dead. †I said the last part a little quieter. â€Å"Well than, who is the leader. Roger was standing next to me. When dad said this, I half expected him to claim the glory, and I was going to let him. Instead he backed up, as did all the other kids. Roger spoke up, â€Å"Ralph is the leader. †He said this with a sound of remorse. â€Å"Ralph? How could you let this happen? †dad sounded surprised that I could let everything get so out of hand . â€Å"I tried to keep everything under control, but when jack got mad and left, everything went out of hand. You can’t honestly think that I could keep control over twenty some boys. I said this and started to cry. â€Å"Well then I guess we should get you boy’s home. †My dad said with a look of guilt on his face. I don’t blame him, though. On the ride home I couldn’t help but ask how mom is. She is fine apparently. I can’t wait to see her. Dad said she couldn’t get over the fact that I was gone. When we made sure that every one was home and good, we made our way home. As we arrived to the house I was reminded of the day I left here some time ago. As I burst through the door to start my life over.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Tennyson And Keats
In the early 19th century, the industrial revolution provoked a return to medievalism by the poets and painters of the age. They wrote about the medieval world as idyllic and harmonious – a contrast to their own turbulent century. Although these two poems aren’t entirely idyllic, they are set in the medieval age, and use many similar ideas. The focus was on stories of courtly love, chivalry and tragedy. The two poems I will be comparing are ‘Mariana’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809 – 1892) and ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’, by John Keats (1795 – 1821). They tell of love and loss and explore the realm of unrequited love, but in very different ways. Tennyson’s ‘Mariana’ was a character taken from Shakespeare’s ‘Measure for Measure’. She is a young woman, deserted by her lover and left in a ‘lonely moated grange’. The Poem consists of seven 12-line stanzas; the last four lines of each stanza are always the same, with a slight variation in the last stanza. Thus, one third of the poem consists of a repetition of the last four lines. A lament for Mariana’s lost love. ‘She only said, ‘My life is dreary, He cometh not’ she said; She said ‘I am aweary, aweary, I would that I were dead!’’ Tennyson often uses repetition in this poem, not only in order to re-enforce the feelings and emotions of Mariana, as he does above, but also on a smaller scale, in order to make a visual image clearer and stronger. He describes the ‘glooming flats’ as ‘ the level waste, the rounding grey’, forcing the reader to acknowledge, that the gloomy, ‘dreary’ landscape echoes the dreary life that she is living. In his description of Mariana’s surroundings, Tennyson uses the exterior setting, to communicate Mariana’s inner self - to describe her life. This is a Victorian device, called a paysage interieur, the creation of an interior landscape. Alfred Lord Tennyson was one of the ... Free Essays on Tennyson And Keats Free Essays on Tennyson And Keats In the early 19th century, the industrial revolution provoked a return to medievalism by the poets and painters of the age. They wrote about the medieval world as idyllic and harmonious – a contrast to their own turbulent century. Although these two poems aren’t entirely idyllic, they are set in the medieval age, and use many similar ideas. The focus was on stories of courtly love, chivalry and tragedy. The two poems I will be comparing are ‘Mariana’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809 – 1892) and ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’, by John Keats (1795 – 1821). They tell of love and loss and explore the realm of unrequited love, but in very different ways. Tennyson’s ‘Mariana’ was a character taken from Shakespeare’s ‘Measure for Measure’. She is a young woman, deserted by her lover and left in a ‘lonely moated grange’. The Poem consists of seven 12-line stanzas; the last four lines of each stanza are always the same, with a slight variation in the last stanza. Thus, one third of the poem consists of a repetition of the last four lines. A lament for Mariana’s lost love. ‘She only said, ‘My life is dreary, He cometh not’ she said; She said ‘I am aweary, aweary, I would that I were dead!’’ Tennyson often uses repetition in this poem, not only in order to re-enforce the feelings and emotions of Mariana, as he does above, but also on a smaller scale, in order to make a visual image clearer and stronger. He describes the ‘glooming flats’ as ‘ the level waste, the rounding grey’, forcing the reader to acknowledge, that the gloomy, ‘dreary’ landscape echoes the dreary life that she is living. In his description of Mariana’s surroundings, Tennyson uses the exterior setting, to communicate Mariana’s inner self - to describe her life. This is a Victorian device, called a paysage interieur, the creation of an interior landscape. Alfred Lord Tennyson was one of the ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critique of the service-profit chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Critique of the service-profit chain - Essay Example The opposite is also true. Unsatisfied customers will still tell others which will lead to loss of customers meaning a loss in revenue. The relationship between services and profits is mainly pegged on the quality of the service, the customer satisfaction and ultimately customer loyalty. There is a major difference between customer satisfaction and quality. Parasuraman claims that while customers usually decide whether they are satisfied after an experience, the quality has to be decided way before the experience (1991). This means that there is no precedent to quality. Customers can learn about the level of service offered by a service provider from a number of sources. However, for them to decide whether the service quality they have learned about meets their standards, they have to experience it themselves. Marketing is a very important concept in the success of any business. Many marketers have realized the role that service quality plays in the overall satisfaction that results from that service (Valerie et al 1996). Service quality and the resultant satisfaction have been described as being â€Å"indices of competitive benefit†(Ruyter 1997). The major point of focus is on the service quality rather than the product quality. This is because while the quality of a product can be predetermined and standardized, the same does not hold true for a service. When service quality has been determined, the customer is then satisfied. This leads to the customer being loyal to that service. Loyal customers usually make the basis for a successful business (Caruana 2002). The loyal customers with their repeat business together with the... The paper tells that the service-profit chain is a good theory that assisted and continues to assist many organizations to make profit through the satisfaction of its employees and in turn its customers. In many sectors like in banking, hospitality and retail, the overall profitability is in most cases pegged on the satisfaction of customers. This is because in these sectors, competition is usually very stiff and many customers who are not satisfied by one operator usually find satisfaction in the competition. However, the service-profit chain is not applicable to the sale of essential products like prescription drugs or in the case of monopolies where there are single products in the market. While arguments and counterarguments have been presented that have been aimed at establishing the viability and validity of the service-profit chain, it is important to recall some simple facts. First, in cases of single business units, there has been evidence of a relationship between the job s atisfactions of employees with the satisfaction of customers. Second, in the researches that have been cited on the validity of the service-profit chain, there has been evidence that the companies that are most focused on the satisfaction of customers are the ones that attract loyalty from customers. Third, there has been no numerical fact that have been cited by all researchers (for or against of the service-profit chain) that suggests whether it hold true or not and all assertions have been hypothetical and lastly, there has been evidence that the service-profit chain does not hold true for all business models.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analyzing mills saying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analyzing mills saying - Essay Example From the aforementioned statement, the English philosopher suggests that happiness or satisfaction is not the ultimate objective of performing an action or making a decision. This means that he does not quite agree to the principle of utility because he maintains that there would be a difference in the kinds of such individual. Meaning, a thing might be good, acceptable and brings happiness to someone but not to another. For the first person may be happy however, when someone looks deeper into what the former is satisfied about, it could be because that person’s standards are way below what his humanity demands of him. For example, one may find pleasure in sex but another finds it displeasing because the person acts immorally. That certain person acts like an animal which simply satisfies his wants. For Mill, he is likened to a pig. It is known that a pig does nothing but eat, sleep and relieves itself from the heat by swimming in the mud or worse, in its own dirt and it is sa tisfied with such kind of life. Therefore, the philosopher argues that he would rather be an unhappy human being than an animal which acts in such a manner but is still satisfied about itself. For the second person, he might be dissatisfied and unhappy but considers himself of higher morality than the former. This contradicts the philosophy of Bentham who says that a person is moral when his actions bring him happiness. Similarly, Mill believes that it is better to be a dissatisfied wise man than a satisfied fool. It is assumed that he argues that when a wise man is unhappy or dissatisfied about his actions or decisions, it is not only because he has done unacceptable things. Rather, the unhappiness and dissatisfaction might be the result of unmet high standard one has set for himself to achieve. In the same way, one cannot say that a person who is satisfied and happy with
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Financial reporting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Financial reporting - Case Study Example C) issued new additional disclosure requirements; and the Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB) went to the extent issuing an exposure draft (ED) proposing to eliminate the criterion to account for Repo 105 transactions as sales. Lehman’s bankruptcy was considered as the largest one in the financial history of America. In 1850, Lehman took start as a modest retailer of textiles and clothing in Alabama; soon, it became a leading global financial services giant, investing mostly in investment banks, investment management and brokerage securities. However, the year of 2008 recorded the financial history with Lehman filing bankruptcy in September due to its exposure of the risks associated with the residential-mortgage loans; at the same time, Lehman owed $613 billion to its creditors. Lehman perpetrated its deception by using 102% in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 140 (Pounder, 2011) in repos. A repo is associated with a transfer of financial assets when the borrower-transferor- wants to hold its ownership of the assets in the long term, but requires fulfilling the short term cash needs. Initially, the transferor commits that he would repurchase the financial assets in a given period of time after receiving a sum of cash- mostly smaller than the original value of the asset- for the financial assets. Upon maturity of the date, the transferor repays the amount originally received at the start of the transaction along with an agreed-upon sum of additional cash to the transferee. This transaction is accounted for as receiving a short term loan from the transferee and the financial asset is recorded as collateral in case the transferor is unable to repay the sum of amount. The accounting treatment for this type of accounting transaction is prov ided in (SFAS) No. 140, â€Å"Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities.†, providing two accounting treatments applicable to such transfers. Under
Friday, November 15, 2019
Leadership And Change Management At Mcdonalds Business Essay
Leadership And Change Management At Mcdonalds Business Essay McDonalds started his business in 1940 with 1st restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California by Richard. It was the result of the thoughts of two young brothers, Mac McDonalds and Dick who introduced a new revolutionary restaurant Speedee Service System in 1948 which was established on principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. Speedee completely replaced with Ronald McDonalds by 1967. McDonalds as Trade Mark is time used on May 4, 1961, with the description of Drive In Restaurant Services and still continues until end of June, 2010. The logo M with double arched overlapping as trademark was introduced in Sep 13 1961. The double overlapped as trade mark symbol M as logo temporarily disfavoured by September 6, 1962. The modern double arched M symbol started in November 18, 1968. (McDonalds, 25 August, 2010, ) Big Mac started in 1968, Egg McMuffin started in 1973, Happy Meal for children started in 1979 and Chicken McNuggets started in 1983 .At the present time, McDonalds have more than 31,000 restaurants in 119 different countries of the world of which a lot are franchised. ( McDonalds vision is to become worlds best and quick service experience restaurant for this purpose McDonalds delivering outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. In mission statements includes best employer or our people in each community around the world, excellent operational for delivery to customers and enduring profitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging strength of McDonalds through innovation and technology McDonald Corporation ,2010) Change and Resistance to Change: According to Rev Sharon Patterson that which people want to changes are babies who have wet diapers. We can be explained that change is the pain full processes in the place of work towards real physically changes are consists exciting incentives. (Bernerth, 2004) Change Process Model Though we all know and believe that success is change so every one want and need success because everyone want earning profit and want to hold this success but on the other hand we dont forget that every change have some resistances and resistance only in the response of change. (Duck, 1993) According to Duck (1993) bluntly he pointed out that Changes are strongly personal. According to Petersen (2002) many people consider that change basically factor of Fear and uncertainly and some Doubts. (Peterson, 2002) As change broadly accepted all over the world as usual from top management to down management and its also brings high management and those people who are in the capacity of manage by any management they always show resistances against the change before application of change or before forward change its duty of manager to make a such type framework which should be overcome over all resistance before implementation. (Peterson, 2002) Resistance to change can be defined as its an apparent attitude of organization employees or members who are declined to admit any change within organization. (Cheng and Petro Vic Lazar Vic, 2004). James Hunt says Resistance isnt an indication that something is wrong with what you are trying to change. It is an indication that something is happening. Ansoff defined Resistance as its only cause of creation unexpected delays and different types of costs or losses which create instabilities into the process of costs and instabilities into the process of planned change (Ansoff, 1988) Resistance is any employee behaviour trying to stop or delay in any change. (Bemmels and Reshef 1991) Real example of the change process and its implementation. British Airways. Past in 1981, British Airways hired on board of Directors a new chairperson. When this chairperson joined, he noticed that the company was very unproductive and was wasting a lot of valuable resources in useless activities. To make the organization efficient and increasing the profit ratio he decided to restructure the entire organization. He realized that Change Methodology Management Plan is the best way to serve that purpose. (Jean Scheid, 2010) Systematically, the British airways started reducing workforce. But, before started this, through his change management leadership, the chairman gave the all reasons for the restructuring and privatization of the company in order to prepare them for the future change. He directed his company through a hard time that could have been terrible without effective change management resistance communication just only through his Leadership Communication (Jean Scheid, 2010) Scope of the Change at McDonalds. Every organisation has different departments with their own value and importance. These departments have their own specific objective. Marketing is one of them department which is most important part of and company and organisation. So in McDonalds integrated market campaign has played vital role in development of business. This campaign has important goal is adopting latest rules and regulation of health and safety. That is latest styled of awareness about health and safety for the children by focusing the market. Through this IMC, McDonalds has launched new low fat healthy meal deal menu for children and try to give answer of awful advertising of the McDonalds. Moreover, McDonalds have basic aim to make customer happy and proving good healthy diet which is beneficial for the childrens and parent as well. McDonalds have offered new meal deal for childrens which are McKids deal especially for the healthy food of kids. In addition, for progress of business, McDonald has started new integrated marketing communications which has helped out in the advertisement and for convey the message to the customer. This new system has attracted the Childers more than parents. For adopting and accepting the responsibilities McDonalds has make team which will be handle the change as well. This type of strategies will bring change not only in marketing mix and will increase in sale and advertisement as well which will help to achieve their gaols, objective and success. McDonalds has faced many bad responses in the menu of children which is mostly issues were related to nutrition. So IMC has turned the McDonalds status in eyes of the customers. IMC is a developed way to focus on the aim and in progress of company. IMC has helped to promote the advertisement level. Basically purpose or scope of change in McDonalds is application of the integrated Integrated Communication (IMC) as essential part of the strategy of the marketing in McDonalds. In this way of change, very important area where we should attention is the advertisement and promotional activities of the McDonalds. Mostly promotional activities and advertisement campaign concerned with offering new services or any new products through any mode of communication. For this purpose there is lot of sources which are used to for this type advertisement or campaign by company. Basic purpose of this new change to concentrate on sales activities and promotional activities and try to increase sale of the company and this change give the important of Integration Marketing system as important part of the marketing strategy of the company. (McDonalds Corporation 2009) According to Forgeson and Green Basically there are three major categories of change resistances are organizational, group and individual. The following are resistance or conflicts faced by McDonalds during implementation of this change: McDonalds workers, customers, culture and behaviour. (Mabin, Forgeson Green, 2001) Resistances and Conflicts to change at McDonalds:  1st resistances due to reactions of the McDonalds staff and customers of the company, some employees are in favour of this new change and some are against this new change mean using the Integrated Marketing communication. Managers and some employees only against this change due to fear, they think might be this change instead of resolving problem it will increase the problems of the company. There are not only employees have negative reaction towards this change but also customers are not showing positive reaction towards this campaign so it lead o another conflict in the shape of not positive attitude of customers towards this new change in this way McDonalds cant achieve benefit from this change as whole of the company. One more resistance against this new change of the company the shortage of qualified personnel in company who assigned the maintaining these tasks to maintaining crew and application of this new marketing change but they are not much professional so this is the conflict in the way of new change. The fear of stakeholders of McDonalds for insufficient budget and ineffective use of different mass communication for this new change and chance of failure of this new change is also conflict and resistance in the way of this new change. The difference in culture between the different employees of the organization is another inner conflict. Due to difference in cultures in McDonald in different members of the company so in this way they unable to do work in pleasant environment and in good way and also this cultural leads to create difficulties in the way of implementation of new change in organization. According to Wilkins Dyer the management of the McDonalds and main administration of the McDonald must point out empowerment of the culture of the organization mean the empowerment culture of the McDonalds and should also identify the relation between the empowerment of the culture and planed system of the McDonalds and also relation between both empowerment and culture (Wilkins Dyer, 1988). Recommendation: In restaurant industry managers play vital role in any change so in this way what McDonalds managers pay specific attention at the time of implementation and initiating change towards reducing possible resistances and achieve better organization performance. Manager is the person who initiating and start the change and employees have to accept and adopt it. Through Effective communication, awareness of manager actions, employees attitude and harmonious working situation can be overcome resistances to change and also play important role in attaining better organizational performance. Process for change implementation in Restaurant Industry Effective communication is the most important components in restaurant industry and played a vital role in the success of organizational operations. Effective communication is very important among the managers and employees and among the employees to employees. Good listening skills are the essential for a successful manager of any organization especially in fast growing fast food industry. Before, after and during the change process managers should carefully listen to the employees opinion and should modify the new change according to the opinion of the employee. For implementation of successful change in organization it is compulsory for manager he should always alert regarding employees reaction towards change. McDonalds Managers should realize that if employees against that change and dont want to cooperate with them so in this way customer service delivery will get worse. Conflict may arise amongst colleagues and managers when employees resist change. In this way employees may not perform well which directly effecting reputation of restaurant and might be it will also become cause of resignation of employees. So before implementation of new change McDonalds managers listen very carefully arguments of employees and change the situation according the time need and should avoid the create bad environment in which employees proved poor environment for work and end all go for resignation. Not only this but also they should encourage the employees for better service and development of performance of the company as well as the employees. There should be a proper action of plane for development of or improvement of different customer services and development in working environment within the organization. This strategy or procedure will always encourage to managers as well employees to sure things are well done. We should understand that improvement is with only change. If there is no improvement, it means no change in this way restaurant become sluggish due to not improvement and any other reason like occurring unforeseen and unexpected circumstances in the restaurant and this way it will very difficult to maintain that position in market and compete the competitors. Managers should also provide a pleasant environment to employee for keeping happy to workers and happy workers are great part of high performance and great motivation. Well motivated staff is in this position to do work in good manners and in good pleasant way and strong relations with their colleagues. Its duty of managers to provide and keep very good and pleasant environment for work and we well know a good pleasant environment always get good result and a poor and boring environment always get a poor result and this the negative impact on the repute of the restaurant (A Paton, R. and Maccalman, J. ,2008) Further more, the success of the new change is still under process and difficult to convert the children attitude towards healthy fast food meals. But at the other hand, there are very strong chance for this success due to strong campaign and promotion activates for prompting the characteristics of the this new change. Furthermore, McDonalds should assure the message has been reached to every child in 119 countries where McDonalds is serving for this purpose help from every type media is the best strategy. There should be a new theme for new advertisement I love it even more! and hopefully this new theme and way of advertisement will inspire the parents and also encourage the childrens towards healthy food. This campaign should be long lasting, strong concerned on healthy characteristics of this new change and should be in friendly way like kiddie-friendly way. If McDonalds carefully make plan and use best strategy and good and effective method for implementation of this new change so there are bright chance of the success of this new change and in this way company can achieve very easily mission and objectives of the company. The most concerned of this company to give image of health conscious which is good match with the latest trend of health conscious measures for this world and also for the future world. Conclusion: According to Beverage the management change leaders must be willing to keep their fingers on the pulse of the organization, by monitoring what is working and what is not working and in the change process. It is duty of managers to reassure, support and take commitment before application of this new change and for getting positively and good result of this new change. The managers should make a strong strategy and should make strong plans of actions regarding this change before implementation of this change and for making this successful. (Beverage (2003) Therefore, we can be concluded now that changes of management is not bad until they enhance the competitiveness and power of an industry. If any change implicated through proper planning and investigation so it will be very effective and will also increase the performance of the organization. So organizations should impose the any change at the right time when studies proved that no time of change. Because we dons forget the change management system not only critical and complex but also very sensitive so only one wrong decision of any company in any change might be it push company to in under clouds and prove harmful for organization profit and inspite giving development instead company feel difficult to survive in perfect market. This is strongly recommendation for McDonalds that must see and again and again ensure that future changes are well very planned there implication is very carefully because these changes will be cause of the success /or failure of any company.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Alice Walker :: Biography Biographies Essays
Alice Walker Alice Walker, one of the best-known and most highly respected writers in the US, was born in Eatonton , Georgia, the eighth and last child of Willie Lee and Minnie Lou Grant Walker. Her parents were sharecroppers, and money was not always available as needed. At the tender age of eight, Walker lost sight of one eye when one of her older brothers shot her with a BB gun by accident. This left her in somewhat a depression, and she secluded herself from the other children. Walker felt like she was no longer a little girl because of the traumatic experience she had undergone, and she was filled with shame because she thought she was unpleasant to look at. During this seclusion from other kids her age, Walker began to write poems. Hence, her career as a writer began. Despite this tragedy in her life and the feelings of inferiority, Walker became valedictorian of her class in high school and received a â€Å"rehabilitation scholarship†to attend Spelman. Spelman College was a college for black women in Atlanta, Georgia, not far from Walker’s home. While at Spelman, Walker became involved in civil rights demonstrations where she spoke out against the silence of the institution’s curriculum when it came to African-American culture and history. Her involvement in such activities led to her dismissal from the college. So she transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in New York and had the opportunity to travel to Africa as an exchange student. Upon her return, she received her bachelor of arts degree from Sarah Lawrence College in 1965. She received a writing fellowship and was planning to spend it in Senegal, West Africa, but her plans changed when she decided to take ajob as a case worker in the New York City welfare department. Wa lker later moved to Tougaloo, Mississippi, during which time she became more involved in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. She used her own and others’ experiences as material for her searing examinations of politics. She also volunteered her time working at the voter registration drive in Mississippi. Walker often admits that her decision not to take the writing fellowship was based on the realization that she could never live happily in Africa or anywhere else until she could live freely in Mississippi. Walker found the love of her life in 1967, a white activist civil rights lawyer name Mel Leventhal, and they were married in 1967.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Parents Responsible for Childhood Obesity Essay
â€Å"Parental behavioral patterns concerning shopping, cooking, eating and exercise have an important influence on a child’s energy, balance and ultimately their weight†said diet specialist, Anne Collins (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). Childhood obesity has more than tripled since the 1980’s (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). Childhood obesity often leads to obesity as an adult which can put a person at greater risks dealing with the heart, diabetes, and many other obese related diseases. People want to blame the schools and today’s technology for childhood obesity, in reality, the responsibility lies in the hands of their parents. Parents are at fault for childhood obesity. The job of a parent is to teach a child wrong from right, including their eating habits, physical activity, and their overall self-control. If a child has no guidance or sense of direction to what to eat or not to eat and the correct amount of physical activity needed, that child will have more difficulty carrying out the practices of it throughout their childhood and into their adulthood. Schools encourage and teach students health of one’s body, but the child needs to be raised by making the right decisions inside and outside of the home. Throughout early childhood, the parents are essential source of children’s food, supplying well balanced meals, encouraging consumption of a wide range of food, restraining access to sugary and high fat foods will help prevent unhealthy weight accumulation (Tackling Childhood Obesity-Who’s Responsibility is it?†). â€Å"Healthy lifestyle habits- healthy eating and physical activity can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related diseases†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). If a child doe not learn the right ways to eat and exercise, the child will have to put more effort into breaking the old habits. â€Å"Parent heavily influence their children’s diet and physical activity habits, and therefore, have an important role in determining whether or not their children experience unhealthy weight gain,†said professor Marie Murphy (â€Å"Tackling Childhood Obesity-Who’s Responsibility is it?†). Parents need to realize that they are putting their own children’s lives at jeopardy by making them more likely to develop diseases later in life. In today’s society, technology has played a big role in everyone’s lives and has taken over. Kids today stay inside and play on the computer, watch TV, play video games, or mess with tablets and smartphones. Several people find other, more entertaining things to do than play outside and be active. Some of the times, physical education in schools is the only physical activity students have on a daily basis (â€Å"Obesity†). Kids and teenagers would much rather be wrapped up in a social network than going for a job or going to the gym. Back in the day, playing outside was one of the few entertainments. Parents have no discipline and let their children do what they want to their bodies. Technology has caused people to be less active and not as self-controlled causing them to be obese or overweight later in life. â€Å"Children and adolescents who are obese are more likely to be obese as adults, putting them more at risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, types of cancers, osteoarthritis, bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, increases risk for many types of cancer including breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). A person can increase the risk of getting several diseases if having bad eating habits, exercise habits, and lack of self-control. Lowering the risk of all diseases can be as simple as taking care of the body. A person must practice good habits before doing so though. Parents are increasing the risk of these diseases by not teaching a child how to properly take care of their body. â€Å"One USDA study found that kids consuming school lunch regularly were more likely to be overweight†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity: Are Schools Responsible?†). If a child knows how to make the right decision in what to eat and what is the best for them, it should not matter where they are. Schools have to supply healthy foods. Healthy food items are available for everyone, so you cannot blame the schools. Cafeterias sell a la carte snack items and serve lunches which are, arguably, not nutritionally sound (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: Are Schools Responsible?†). Just because a school puts out unhealthy items and advertises them does not mean you have to buy and consume the item. The reason schools have them out is because people continue to buy them. Kids and teenagers are only at school for one, maybe two meals out of the day. The majority of meals happen outside of school, inside the home. Parents just do not want to take the blame for making their kids fat so they blame schools for not teaching them how to take care of their body correctly. Parents are at fault for the obesity of children. Teaching right habits can make for a long living healthy lifestyle. If you raise a child on good habits, it will not be hard for them to follow in the same footsteps and continue that lifestyle into their adulthood.
Friday, November 8, 2019
10 estados que pagan más y menos impuestos al salario
10 estados que pagan ms y menos impuestos al salario En los 50 estados de Estados Unidos se pagan los mismos impuestos federales. Pero los impuestos a las ventas, sobre la propiedad y al salario –conocidos en algunos paà ses como a la renta o sobre los ingresos– pueden ser ms altos o ms bajos segà ºn el estado o, incluso, de las ciudades. Por esta razà ³n los nuevos emigrantes o los empresarios que deseen iniciar una actividad econà ³mica en el paà s deberà an tener en cuenta este factor a la hora de decidir dà ³nde vivir o donde abrir un negocio. Ya que hay que contar siempre con el dinero que hay que pagar en concepto de impuestos. Ya que existen impuestos estatales y tambià ©n locales es difà cil hacer una comparacià ³n y por ello se sigue en este artà culos los clculos realizados por la The Tax Foundation. En este artà culo se informa de los 10 estados en los que ms impuestos estatales al salario se pagan y los 10 que menos gravan a los residentes por este concepto. Adems, se incluye un listado de los condados con impuestos a la propiedad ms altos y ms bajos y, finalmente en quà © 10 ciudades se soporta la mayor carga impositiva. Este artà culo finaliza con un apartado dedicado a quià ©n es considerado residente fiscal en Estados Unidos y, por lo tanto, est obligado a pagar impuestos.  ¿Sabà a usted? En Estados Unidos el pago de impuestos varà a dependiendo del lugar adonde viva. El gobierno federal cobra impuestos sobre los ingresos y estos se pagan por igual en los 50 estados de EE.UU.Cada estado tambià ©n tiene la potestad de cobrar impuestos sobre los ingresos y sobre las ventas, y estos varà an segà ºn el estado. Los gobiernos locales, ya sea la ciudad o el condado, cobran impuestos sobre las propiedades. El porcentaje a pagar depende de la localidad donde se viva, y puede variar enormemente en un mismo estado. 10 estados donde se pagan menos impuestos al salario En la actualidad, un total de 7 estados no tienen impuesto al salario. Son los siguientes: AlaskaDakota del SurFloridaNevadaTexasWashingtonWyoming Adems, 2 estados no graban al salario aunque sà tienen un impuesto sobre intereses y dividendos. Son los siguientes: Nuevo HampshireTennessee Finalmente, en Pennsylvania sà hay impuestos al salario pero estn limitados al 3,07%. Destacar que como regla general los estados que menos impuestos cobran son, al mismo tiempo, los que menos servicios sociales brindan. Hay una correlacià ³n importante en este punto, si bien el mà nimo en asistencia social que se fija por ley federal es igual en todos los estados. 10 estados en los que se pagan ms impuestos al salario Cabe destacar que a la hora de pagar los impuestos hay que sumar a mayores los federales que son iguales en todo el paà s. Adems resaltar que cada estado tiene sus propias reglas sobre exenciones, deducciones y crà ©ditos a la hora de gravar a sus residentes. California: 13,3%Hawaii: 11%Oregà ³n: 9,9%Minnesota: 9,85%Iowa: 8,98%New Jersey: 8,97%Vermont: 8,95%D.C., que no es un estado pero se incluye por ser la capital del paà s: 8.95%Nueva York: 8,82%Wisconsin: 7,65% Adems, Nueva York y Nueva Jersey se encuentran entre los estados que ms graban a los negocios.  ¿Dà ³nde se pagan ms y menos impuestos sobre las propiedades en EE.UU.? El impuesto sobre la propiedad es local, es decir, no depende ni del gobierno federal ni del estado. En la actualidad 3 condados en Nueva Jersey son los que ms pagan en este concepto: Passaic: 8,79% de los ingresosEssex: 8,25%Union: 8,13% Por el contrario, 3 parroquias en Louisiana son los lugares en los que menos se paga en concepto de impuesto a la propiedad: Grant Parish: 0,26%Assumption Parish: 0,26%Vernon Parish: 0,25% 10 ciudades en las que ms impuestos se paga en EE.UU. La combinacià ³n de impuestos federales, estatales, locales a la propiedad, a las ventas, a la gasolina y otros impuestos locales hace que las siguientes sean las 10 ciudades donde realmente se pagan ms impuestos, de mayor a menor: Bridgeport, ConnecticutPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaMilwaukee, WisconsinPorland, MaineProvidence, Rhode IslandColumbus, OhioBaltimore, MarylandLouisville, KentuckyDetroit, MichiganWilmington, Delaware  ¿Cundo se pagan los impuestos federales? Para la mayorà a de las personas se presentan sà ³lo una vez al aà ±o y conjuntamente las planillas federales y las estatales y serà a cualquier dà a antes del 15 de abril o ese dà a. Pero dependiendo de las circunstancias, de si se tiene una empresa o se es freelance, o de si se es ciudadano estadounidense pero se reside habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos, etc, hay otras fechas que respetar. Quià ©nes deben pagar impuestos Todas las personas con residencia fiscal en Estados Unidos deben pagar impuestos. Y hay que tener presente que la residencia fiscal y la migratoria son cosas muy distintas. Asà , un inmigrante indocumentado no tiene estatus legal, pero sà est obligado a pagar impuestos por sus ingresos. Muchos utilizan un nà ºmero de ITIN para cumplir con esta obligacià ³n, aunque en principio no est pensado para este fin. Como es un tema muy delicado, lo ms prudente y aconsejable es hablar con un fiscalista y/o un abogado de inmigracià ³n. Los residentes permanentes legales y los ciudadanos americanos estn obligados a pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos por todos sus ingresos, aà ºn cuando estos se generen en el exterior. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que viven temporal o definitivamente en otro paà s, es decir, a los expatriados. Esto no quiere decir necesariamente que tengan que pagar, pero sà que hay una obligacià ³n de reportar y luego ya se ver segà ºn monto de ingresos y posibles acuerdos firmados entre EU y el paà s en el que se est viviendo. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Jeremy Rifkin Essay
Jeremy Rifkin from the passage from â€Å"The Age of Simulation†contends that the Television is the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems in modern society. He claims that we as a nation sit in front of the TV endlessly in order to fulfill some aspect of out life that we are not getting in a regular environment. Which is in part due to the fact that Television is in and plays such a substantial role in our lives. He shows how all of the essential social needs can be and are to often met through this lifeless medium. How we reach stimulation that would otherwise be given through genuine human contact is now impersonal. We are making what was once personal now impersonal. Some would argue that this is not the case while the facts still remain, that we as a culture are spending more and more time in front of the television, we are spending it with friends and family and this shared experience be it in the same room or different houses give us the opportunity to communicate and share the same common feelings. As well discuss the issues that arose on the night before’s shows. The water-cooler chat has been in this country filled with the same topics across the country. This trend also seems to have bridged the economic gap; the rich are still watching the same Joe Millionaire as the poor. We now have a common theme in this country a starting ground that which communication between two people that previously would not have anything to talk about now have a common interest or at least no matter what your education level is you can hold the same conversation about what happened on Big Brother 4 last night. Some would also argue that we as a society have deteriorated so far due to other circumstances that the backwoods country culture of old has been lost due to fear. Therefore we have been forced to look for our stimulation elsewhere. Television then has filled a gap in our being that needed to be filled. Televis... Free Essays on Jeremy Rifkin Essay Free Essays on Jeremy Rifkin Essay Jeremy Rifkin from the passage from â€Å"The Age of Simulation†contends that the Television is the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems in modern society. He claims that we as a nation sit in front of the TV endlessly in order to fulfill some aspect of out life that we are not getting in a regular environment. Which is in part due to the fact that Television is in and plays such a substantial role in our lives. He shows how all of the essential social needs can be and are to often met through this lifeless medium. How we reach stimulation that would otherwise be given through genuine human contact is now impersonal. We are making what was once personal now impersonal. Some would argue that this is not the case while the facts still remain, that we as a culture are spending more and more time in front of the television, we are spending it with friends and family and this shared experience be it in the same room or different houses give us the opportunity to communicate and share the same common feelings. As well discuss the issues that arose on the night before’s shows. The water-cooler chat has been in this country filled with the same topics across the country. This trend also seems to have bridged the economic gap; the rich are still watching the same Joe Millionaire as the poor. We now have a common theme in this country a starting ground that which communication between two people that previously would not have anything to talk about now have a common interest or at least no matter what your education level is you can hold the same conversation about what happened on Big Brother 4 last night. Some would also argue that we as a society have deteriorated so far due to other circumstances that the backwoods country culture of old has been lost due to fear. Therefore we have been forced to look for our stimulation elsewhere. Television then has filled a gap in our being that needed to be filled. Televis...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Job Description paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Job Description - Research Paper Example SEO allows marketers to be the number one source of B2B and B2C. This paper will discuss many facets of BA including tools, education and respective career path along with picking the right candidate. One of the best tools for business analysts is SEO and Google Ad Sense. Google Ad Sense allows analysts to have an amazing toolset to ensure that engine optimization is efficient. When it comes to Business Administrators who are in marketing, they must understand the elements of SEO. One of the key elements that drives SEO is blogging. The whole essence of search engine optimization is to drive traffic to another website through blogging. It is beneficial that most individuals acquire some sort of HTML programming to facilitate this cause. Blogging allows individual and corporations to make good money, granted they are able to drive traffic. Another great tool for business analysts is Microsoft Visio or any wireframe software such as smart diagram. These tools drive the ability of analysts to comprehend business requirements into a full functioning software. This is crucial because analyst can turn into developers and be the key liaisons that drive innovation in organization. SQL is also a good skill that most analysts should have in order to pull reports from database and understand the complexity of data regression. One of the most crucial elements of BAs who understand marketing is that they also understand the customer-perceived value is a marketing and branding concept that correlates a link between the products and whether customers believe it can satisfy their needs. It is clear that when a company develops and attempts to sell its products, customers must react how to react to these messages. Without a doubt, companies invest millions of dollars and time researching and understanding the customer demographics to understand their respective markets. One of the biggest issues with BAs is the fact that they are not
Friday, November 1, 2019
Family images Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Family images - Essay Example th family issues unquestionably do grave harm to the image of family simply because they present an inadequate or even a deformed and a wrong outlook on the relationships between family members. Besides focusing on the failure of the marital enterprise, family problems such as infidelity, sexual activity outside of marriage, and the absence of an ethical and a religious vision of the marriage are omnipresent in all American magazines treating family issues. If we give a glance at most of the online American magazines that are so interested in the image of the family, we will find that the most recurrent theme is divorce. Nevertheless, there is always a tendency to present an ideal and a prototypical family for the common audience. In the Focus On The Family, an American family is introduced as being so happy and faithful to the teachings of Christianity. The daughter, who was trying to catch some fish is disappointed and is therefore asked to put her whole trust in God. â€Å"In my bewilderment, I realized that God was pursuing my daughter, wooing her heart with His indescribable grace. For years, I had been trying to say and do all the right things to prod her closer to God. But it was Samanthas heavenly Father, not her earthly one, who caused her to trust Him. Just as He filled the nets of two Galilean brothers long ago†¦ He sent a fish to my daughters line  and fed her growing faith.†1 While some American magazines try to help parents better guide their children to the right path, other magazines endeavor to organize American families lives by encouraging children to study well, eat healthy diets and have sufficient sleep. Such American magazines are targeting fresh couples who have just got initiated in marital life. â€Å"We believe that every child has the potential to succeed in school and in life! Our individualized program is tailored to each student’s needs, finding and addressing the gaps in student skills. Call today for a tutoring solution that
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Midterm - Essay Example e denied same job opportunities as the whites; they were made to work for the whites without pay, in the World War they were made to serve in only segregated units. The slaves were used for agricultural purposes as labor especially in cotton and tobacco plantations. They were also used in shipyards, as domestic slaves and as labor on the docks. They were viewed as slaves so much to the point that their owners bought them. A slave could be bargained for, and the highest bidder would take him or her home. The owners were allowed to do anything to the slaves including killing them as the Black Americans were not viewed equals to the rest. They were given the hardest works, worked under the toughest conditions and were treated to gruesome punishments like being left to be mauled by dogs or starved to death. After a while, the art of the slave trade was abolished in America, and was now illegal and punishable by death. This shows the start of a new century which hopefully would bring a change to the African Americans. However, it still did not bring change. They were still treated with contempt and were discriminated especially in the fact that they could not share the same facilities with the whites like the train, the bus, the restaurants and more. They were allowed to vote in the national elections and poll taxes. In response to all this, in 10909, lobbyist groups and protest groups emerged to respond to the de jure racism. One of the groups was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Zastrow, 2010). This period is at times known as the Nadir of American Race Relations. This is so because this was the height of African American segregation. It was so intense that race riots were experienced, black lynching and anti blacks’ violence. It was so in tense that in 1946, Einstein defined African American racism as America’s worst disease. In 1981-1997, the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against African American
Monday, October 28, 2019
Hispanic and Latino Americans Essay Example for Free
Hispanic and Latino Americans Essay The United States of America has been called the â€Å"melting pot†of the world. It is a country that is open to diversity and welcomes culture, race and ethnicity of all sorts, for as long as it complies with its laws. United States become a nation rich in immigrants who found new home in a foreign land. Most of the big and key cities in the United States are culturally and racially diversified. This diversity is taught to be an asset of the society. If not understood well, this diversity may also lead to internal and external conflicts such as discrimination and stereotyping. Stereotyping can be as harmless as thinking that Chinese cooks the best orange chicken or Indians have the best chicken curry, but it can also be as destructive as stereotyping Muslims as potential terrorists or Mexicans as potential illegal aliens. Stereotypes come in different forms and it is also apparent in the news, media, television, songs and even literatures. Latino or Hispanic race, for example, has been a hot topic of racial stereotyping. A Latino man behind a cash register may often hear a customer asking â€Å"habla Ingles†. Failure to assimilate to American culture, including language, is one stereotype Latinos are facing. In the story â€Å"Rain of Gold†, written by Victor Villasenor, most of the characters spoke little or no English until they entered the United States. Another literary work, a poetry, written by Pat Mora entitled â€Å"Immigrants†contained lines that read â€Å"before the baby can even walk, speak to them in thick English, hallo, babe, hallo†. There may be some humor to the poem, but it stereotypes the Latino immigrants as having â€Å"thick English†accents. â€Å"Rain of Gold†, written by Victor Villasenor was about the three generations of two Mexican families whose hardship and adventures date back in the Mexican Revolution of 1910. The book chronicled the characters’ escape from Mexico and entry into the United States. It was entitled â€Å"Rain of Gold†because it is the English translation of the characters’ home town of â€Å"La Lluvia de Oro†. In the book, the characters spoke little or no English, which may still be apparent today in our society. However, from the book, we cannot generalize that Mexicans cannot assimilate the way of living or system of other culture. In the book, it was also written that the characters learned to use the survival techniques of Native Americans in order to survive the difficulties they were facing in their environment. The poem â€Å"Immigrants†by Pat Mora also wrote examples on how Mexican try to adapt the American culture by eating hot dogs and apple pie, by naming their children Bill and Daisy, or by buying their children football or blonde dolls with blue eyes. In the modern America, most stereotypes related to the Latino race are exaggerated in the movies or in the media. The movies would often depict Latinos as blue collared workers with little education, family with more than four children, or young Latino with literacy problem. Another stereotype that is attached to the Latino culture is the use of spiritual healing or magic. There are three literary works that took note of the Spiritual healing practice of the Latino culture. â€Å"Rain of Gold†by Victor Villasenor noted that during trying times, the character held on the belief of spirits and asked for their guidance and healing. â€Å"The Curing Woman†by Alejandro Morales was about the power of the traditional healers who use spiritual connection to heal physical ailments. It is about a Spanish woman named Marcelina who learned how to use â€Å"white magic†from her Spanish mother, Dona Marcelina Trujillo. â€Å"White magic†uses herbs, plants, minerals, chants and astrological formulas to cure diseases of the human body. â€Å"Curandera†, a poem written by Pat Mora describes the dependency of a Latino woman to the nature as means of survival and healing of the people. In the poem, the curandera (a woman who practices folk medicine), uses the elements found in the desert, plants, sunlight, and wind to heal other people to survive. Living in a modernized society and the availability of technology used as tools in medicine will create plenty of skepticism and mockery to spiritual healing as a form of cure. The use of spiritual healing will be rejected by most of American populations who grew up with vaccines, radiography, and antibiotics. It will be a challenge for any Latinos practicing this part of their culture to make someone else outside of their race to understand. Another Latino stereotype that affects most Latino men, is the machismo schema attached to Latino men. It is viewed that in Latino culture, men are the dominant gender, and women are submissive to their male counterparts. However, in â€Å"Rain of Gold†written by Victor Villasenor, the character of Dona Margarita, a wife and a mother, possessed strength that was even able to boldly reprimand the character of her husband. Dona Margarita’s strength and support was valued in the book as one of the reason of fulfilling the family’s dreams. She was able to express her anger and frustration on her husband, Don Victor, when he gambled and got drunk. Her family felt hope when she did not give-up her hope that her daughter, Sophia, was still alive. Although she wanted to give the leadership role to her husband Don Victor, the book made it apparent that she is the strength of her family. However, the story also depicted Dona Margarita as a housewife whose primary role is to raise her children and manage the household. Most Latino written works also depicted the common stereotype that Latinos mostly worked blue collar jobs. For example, in the â€Å"Rain of Gold†by Victor Villasenor, most men worked as miners, while some worked as soldiers. In the movies, most Latino females play characters such as nanny, cashier, waitress, or housekeeper. In conclusion, I believe that the Latino race does not only suffer from being stereotyped by people from another culture, but also from the literary works of Latino authors. Pat Mora, for example, used the â€Å"thick English†accent of Latinos to provide some humor to her poetry. In more than two literatures the â€Å"spiritual or magical healing†was also noted, providing a stronger connection between this practice and the Latino race. Personally, I believe that I am a victim of the movies and television programs who effectively instill cultural stereotypes in me. Fortunately, I was able to know numerous Latinos that proved that the stereotypes should not be used as a general depiction of their race. A research study survey noted that the stereotypical images of the Latinos in the media are not accurate and that most Latinos who participated in the survey were able to assimilate well into the US culture (Latino Professional Survey, 2006). The survey noted that 98% of the survey respondents were fluent in English and 80% were college graduate (Latino Professional Survey, 2006). This defies the common stereotyping that Latinos cannot speak English very well and mostly occupy blue collared jobs. Reference (2006). Todays Latino Professionals are Educated, Fully Bilingual and Assimilated: HACEs Findings Shatter Stereotypes; Results of 2006 Latino Professional Survey Help Understand Latinos. Newswire, R Kanellos, N. (1995). Hispanic American literature. A brief introduction and anthology. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
U.s Investment In Mexico :: essays research papers
U.S Investment in Mexico Economics 580 Dr. Leon Haitham Boukhadour Fall 96 Mexico has established itself as one of the biggest emerging markets in the world today. It has exhibited many of the signs of a high growth economy, offering several advantages to prospective investors. Some highlights of the Mexican economy include " single-digit inflation, a balanced public budget, real economic growth (presently at a rate of 12 percent), a deregulated economy and a favorable investment climate" (Risk Management/ June 94, P.32). Mexico also possesses a strategic geographic location as a gate way to Latin American markets. Mexico is among the fastest- growing export markets for the United States. In 1985, Mexico became the third largest market for total U.S. exports, behind Canada and Japan. In 1992, Mexico surpassed Japan as the second largest export market for U.S. manufactured goods. Mexico now accounts for $1 out of every $10 of total U.S. exports. After the passing of NAFTA, bilateral trade was quite balanced in 1994, with the U.S. registering a surplus of $1.3 billion, virtually unchanged from 1993. However, there was a sharp increase in trade opportunities, as both import and export growth exceeded 20 percent. One-fifth of the total trade that occurs between the United States and Mexico was created in 1994. One of the major sectors that holds a large promise for the U.S. manufacturers is that of the automobile industry. The Mexican market for auto parts is expected to grow by 24 percent from 1994 levels to $16.9 billion in the year 2000. It is also expected that NAFTA will help increase the U.S. export share of the Mexican market to around 70 percent by the year 2000. In the long run, Mexico's location could profit the U.S. industries that establish themselves there, through an expanded free trade area in Latin America, which could include Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and Chile. Such expansion could prove crucial to the U.S. industry, as a strong export orientation helped sustain industry growth. Exports increased from 18.5 percent of total output in 1989 to 27.2 percent in 1991. And the level of employment which could be attributed to exports increased from 116,500 in 1989 to 154,200 in 1991. Mexico also offers some intriguing possibilities in terms of production facilities for U.S. based firms. In 1994 alone Mexican car and truck production totaled 1.173 million units, up 8.6 percent from 1993. The Mexican government had along term plan in terms of automobile production in Mexico, and it is in a phase now that favors foreign investors and exportation out of the Mexican market. Check the figure bellow to see how the plan has progressed so far.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bluest Eye
A few decades ago, racial discrimination has been a great concern for many, as it existed in all aspects of the society. What we know of discrimination is that a certain race, color, or ethnicity views themselves superior to others, and the ones who often get discriminated often are the blacks, because of their history of slavery and abuse from the whites (Kuenz). This is the most common form of discrimination at that time. What some wouldn’t know is that discrimination is not limited to one race discriminating another.The other form of discrimination is racial self-loathing, or hating one’s own race because he views it to be inferior, ugly, poor, and the like. In Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, racial self-loathing in the black community is exposed and attacked through the development of Pecola Breedlove’s character. This development was clearly shown through her desires and aspirations of becoming white – of achieving the bluest eye, in order to a ttract attention and live a happy life. The idea of racial self-loathing was exposed and attacked when eventually her desires and aspirations were destroyed, driving her to insanity.Pecola Breedlove is a picture of a dreamer who seeks a better life at the start of the novel. All throughout the story, it was shown that she desires a few things, hoping that it could change her and her surroundings. One of these desires is to learn how she would be able to make people love her. Being born black, and experiencing a short stay with the MacTeers who are whites, she was able to understand how different she was. Her stay in the white household was very important because she was able to develop hatred for her race.She wanted attention, just like the attention being given to the white kids in the household. Pecola views that it was the overall features that would attract the attention of other people. She hated the color of her skin and her eyes. She thought that if her skin was white and her eyes were blue, more people would be able to notice her and love her (Wills). It was narrated in the story that â€Å"It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sightsâ€â€if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different†(Morrison).At this point of the story, we now see the intensity of her desire to shed her physical features as a black girl. We may judge that her desires were only skin deep, and that it was only her childish jealousy speaking. But still, she would grow up with this mentality, and one proof of this was her mother. It can be seen that this racial self-loathing can transcend age, and it doesn’t get any simpler, in fact, it gets worse. Pecola’s mother also hated her color and features, and the indirect effect of this is her fights and arguments with her husband.It was the fights between her parents that insinuated Pecola’s desi re to disappear. She often witnesses her mother and father beating up each other. She feels that it was again caused by their color, intensifying her desire to be different. She taught that if she was white or at least she has the bluest eyes, her parents would be happy and love each other. Her brother wouldn’t run away, and everything would turn out well. Somehow, she uses her racial self loathing as a means to an end. She thinks that the problem is rooted on color, and it would be resolved by color.Looking closely at Pecola’s understanding of her situation, we may say that she uses her desire for the bluest eyes as an escape. She wanted a new, different life, one rooted on love, care, and attention. She sees no difference between her and the white children except well, they’re white. It was pointed out by Claudia when she said â€Å"Nobody paid us any attention, so we paid very good attention to ourselves†(Morrison). If that is so, then the only thing that she wanted to change was her appearance, and she thinks that this would be the solution to all of her problems.At the end of the story, Pecola was driven into madness because her desires were never fulfilled. Instead, the entire world seemed to turn against her. She was sexually violated by her father two times. Her mother didn’t believe her, and even beat her up. She bore the fruit of the abuse, but it was lost in a miscarriage. Looking at the start of the story, we see a big change in Pecola. The hopeful child from the start was almost destroyed by violence in the end. This development in her character was the author’s take on the existing idea of racial self loathing at that time.For Toni Morrison, Pecola embodied every black person who hated their color. Toni Morrison’s take on racial self loathing is evident in the character of Pecola. Desiring for a better life by hating yourself would bring you more harm than good. Well, in the case of Pecola, it see med that it was brought upon her by her society. In her eyes, she sees people ignoring her, making fun of her, and even hating her because of her color. But then again, Pecola’s eyesight is clouded by her desire to be different, to be white, and to have the bluest eyes.Instead of being true to herself, she wanted to change everything. For her, it was a means to an end, the only way for her to accept by the people around her. For the author Toni Morrison, it was not. Hating one’s race and color wouldn’t change anything, instead, it would just attract more hatred, more cruelty, and more violence. Pecola shouldn’t have lost sight of the people around her. Not everyone overlooked and hated her. The MacTeer household, especially the children, loved her despite her color.This is one way for the author to say that color is not everything, and it shouldn’t be the reason for people like Pecola to hate. Works Cited: Kuenz, Jane. â€Å"The Bluest Eye: Notes on History, Community, and Black Female Subjectivity †African American Review Vol. 27. No. 3 (1993). Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. , 1993. Wills, Joy. â€Å"Genealogy of Rejection in Morrison's the Bluest Eye†. 1999. March 23 2009. .
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